So, what does all this mean? Well, it means that either GM or Andy will win this season of BB, depending on who wins the Final HOH Comps. Nobody would vote for Spencer over GM or Andy in the Final 2. Simple as that.
We've come to that point in the game where Overnighters will become much, much shorter and more of a summary. We have less than 1 week to go, with the Finale airing live on Weds.
Tonight, we will see McCrae get evicted & then Part 1 of the Final HOH Comps will begin and it will be endurance. The show begins at 9pm EST and as always, I'll be here to live-blog the show. I'll make a new post here on the blog around an hour before the show begins, so make sure to check back then.
See ya then!!! :D
Stay tuned...

Dang, I was hoping McCrae would actually win this. He proved he could actually win competitions without Amanda. If Andy wins this, I'll be highly upset. He's nothing but a weasle. I think GM will win it.. but this again. I don't care who wins it cause they all suck.
So disappointed..
At this point, I'm done with this season. I don't care who wins. In 15 seasons, this is the first time I have not liked anyone in the final 3. I hope there's an All-Star season soon because the casting people did an awful job this year. Prerequisite for future seasons- no one on psych drugs is allowed in the house. I take psych drugs so I'm not putting anyone down. I am a true Big Brother fan, but I prefer great game play over all this drama, bullying, sexism, and racism. The vulgarity doesn't bother me. I cuss like a sailor, but these people have no class at all. Nobody was even a good liar! I love me a good liar in this game! :)
Yuck... It's so bad that I'm rooting for GM. In all seriousness, I like her in some ways... Mostly because she is who she is.
Totally agree with ya Angela!!!! This year was awful..
But thank you to Jamie for the best BB blog out there!!! YOU ROCK GIRL!!
After McCrae gets the boot I will not be able to stand any of those left winning anything.
I didn't see the BB this year as in past years. The endurance comps were not really endurance at all. A couple hours at most. I would have rather seen an allstar season or some other twist. no special powers, no pandoras box. whats up production?? My hopes is that production has a little talk with Andy and convince him to jump back. but I won't get my hopes up on that. ugh
Angela - LOL - they all suck! I so agree - these 3 in the finals - good god. Well, I guess I will have to root for GM and I can't believe I'm saying it. I think she could beat the other two.
Was the veto contest some kind of memory or mind test? That would definitely favor Andy.
I'm with the others - I vote for an entirely new production team for the show - they did such a lousy job - no really new or innovative ideas or great endurance comps. There's so much cool stuff they could do - they need a group with better casting skills and more imagination.
What is wrong with production this year. No great prizes, no Pandora's box, no huge twists. This game is suppose to surprise u at every turn, and all floaters made it to the final three. Yuck.
I agree with all of u Worst season ever. This season of BB was "expect the expected" and nothing more. As far as the sanity of the players I think they were all pretty much on a level playing field they all had thier own issues. I dont believe its a coincidence that most of the house guests were so outspoken about thier racial views aƄ the same as Everything that has been in the headlines this year. CBS got what they paid 4 high ratings but a horrible game. With all the people dying to be on BB I dont understand y they keep trolling bars FaceBook and friends and family of former players. Thanks jamie you do a great job every year on this blog.
Good thing BB decided to give Aryan the racist edit and GM the lovable dimwitted goofball edit since she's somehow become the odds on favorite to win the game. GM really has gotten 1 of the best edits I can remember on BB even though she said some of the worst things and on this season that's saying a lot. The only negative thing I recall airing was the fight with Candice which they had no choice since it happened on the live show. I guess that must've seemed so out of character for GM for those who only watch CBS. If we get the more likely GM and Spencer F2 I won't be holding my breath for Julie Chen to read them a selection of their quotes of the awful things they've said as it's not gonna happen.
Jamie, thanks for all you do! I totally wish I could donate to you but times are rough so I'm sure you understand... I've been a follower since season 10 and you're always my come-to for BB! anyway... I haven't seen Julie do any jury house updates like they've done in the past. Have you seen any?
Welp, I hate it for McC. I figure this is Andy's to lose now. I'm definitely not a fan of the way Andy played the game, but I will say this, it was definitely effective.
First, socially, he made no enemies. He seems to be a genuinely nice guy that people like, kind of the kid brother thing (Judd laughing at him for crying so much illustrates just can't help but like him as a person).
Second, as much as I wanted people to figure out what we were seeing, he did a masterful job of snowballing the entire house. He had Amanda believing he was loyal to the very end. He had Elissa thinking that McC could've been the one that flipped on Amanda. He at least had McC convinced long enough to not get rid of him during the double eviction. He really did play everyone.
Third, he won win he had to. Each time that he won something it was a time when he needed to. And winning both the final four HOH and Veto? Can't argue with that.
So, in sum, as much as it pains me that someone I wasn't pulling for will win, I can't be one of those people that continue to post that Andy doesn't DESERVE to win this. In actuality, he does.
Jamie, I'll miss you in the "off-season" but can't wait for Addicted 16. ;)
Tonight should be an all time classic endurance comp …just look at the 3 gladiators competing in it:
-GM- who has stitches in one leg, broken toes on the other, a sprained wrist, and cut hand (at this point she has to be asking herself, "What more do they want me to endure? Wasn't being stuck to McCrae for 24 hours enough?")
-SPENCER- the heavy set guy who consistently has been either the first or second houseguest to "fall off" during the endurance competitions all season (right now he's thinking, "I've been on the block all season long that the one chair fits me perfectly now.. and they say I can't win at endurance."
-ANDY- the "fall in the pool" guy who is so skinny that a strong wind could blow him over (looking at his competitors he knows that he's the odds on favorite and muses, "If I don't win this tonight, I'll just cry!"
This could be the shortest endurance comp in the history of BB. In all seriousness, it could actually be over within a minute of the live show ending tonight.
The only way it will be a long endurance comp with these 3 playing is if they stick them in the middle of a large pool of honey or caramel and whoever gets out first is the winner …then it may take a couple hours.
There's no veto in final four?
I haven't been this disappointed in the choices on finale night since BB6.
What I don't understand is, why wouldn't McCrae try to cut a deal with Andy? Surely he might be able to convince Andy that he's got a better shot at getting votes against him than against GM? How can Andy be so single-minded about dragging whatever remnants of his dead alliance to the end that he can?
This season was lousy for three major reasons, in my opinion. One: everyone, from the houseguests to the viewers, made judgments and decisions based on emotions much more than on gameplay. Two: nobody was really much of a mastermind this year. The closest we had were Helen and Amanda, but they both made several major miscalculations that cost them big. Three: one word: racism.
What's really a shame is that this was my girlfriend's first year watching, and it's going to be awfully tough to get her to stick with it for next year after this dismal season.
Jaime-- I was just curious. What TV shows do you watch when Big Brother is over?
I wouldn't say nobody would vote for Spencer over Andy. Andy has placed a lot of these people on the Jury and turned on them. Helen, Jessie, Amanda, Elissa, soon to be McCrae. That's 5 solid votes for the other finalist. Don't be shocked if Spencer actually wins this thing, because stranger things have happened with a Jury. Like who knew Jessie(BB11) was voting for Jordan? I didn't! GM has the best chance of the 3, which makes me sick to say because I haven't liked her since the start, but she's the only person who I would want to win of the 3.
I've said this on other blogs, and will say it here, too. I think Andy sets a very poor example as a college professor. The words that come out of his mouth are vile and disgusting. I wish I had the nerve to write to College of DuPage. I would tell them that I think anyone teaching students should be ethical and upstanding. Andy is neither of these things.
Omg if Gina or Spencer win that's a victory for ignorant hateful racist
I agree about drug screening, those drugs are prescribed so patients can cope and get along in the real world. I don't know what they could be given to cope with life in the BB house, but it's pretty obvious it didn't work this year...
Yeah I hate to say it too, but If I want ANYBODY to win, it's GinaMarie. Atleast she got Amanda out and has stayed true to her word. She just isn't the brightest crayon in the box.. :)
How come they aren't showing the jury house like they have in past seasons when someone news goes in?
I was so hoping McCrae would win the POV. Ugh. No one in the final 3 deserves to win. But if one of them have to be the winner, I would rather see GM win it. She really has stayed true to who she is and isn't as she would put it a "flip-flopper" like Andy!
I'm glad Mcrae is finally getting the boot. I was with him right up until he stood by as Amanda bullied others and was a raging lunatic. To me he was an accessory before, during and after the fact. He said "Good riddance to bad rubbish" about Elissa, (I was no fan of hers either), but I say the same towards him. He got taken down by the one guy he thought he could trust. The Rat Andy. Either way they all were horrible HGs
Thanks Jamie for your blog. Truly Amazing.
They did 1 Jury House segment when Jessie, Candice and Judd were there and they found out about being able to get back in the game. There should definitely be some Jury House footage tonight at least up to when Amanda and Elissa arrived. Possibly Judd for the 2nd time though I doubt it as that'd be a pretty quick turnaround. It's really the only thing I'm looking forward to seeing now that McCrae didn't win POV.
I'd still put my money on the injured GM in an endurance comp against those 2 guys.
There is a POV in F4. It was played yesterday while feeds were down and won by Andy.
There's no way McCrae could convince Andy he'd be easier to beat than GM cause there's no way that's true. McCrae would be much tougher to beat in the final 3 part HOH comp and nearly guaranteed to win the part 1 endurance comp where GM's injuries at least provide a chance. Plus with McCrae's comp wins he'd be nearly impossible for any of the other 3 to beat in the F2. Whereas I think Andy beats both Spencer and GM in a F2.
When Elissa, Amanda and McCrae made a deal, I felt that was the best chance McCrae had. I don't understand why he thought he had a chance working with any of the exterminators. Personally, as much as I dislike Elissa, I would have kept my word with her and hoped that the numbers would be on Elissa/McCrae's side. That is, 2 against 4 is better than 1 against 5 and, of course, even better would be 2-3, 2-2 and finally 2-1 if all worked out ok. Even if Elissa/McCrae were the F2, I still think McCrae would have won it. I would have trusted Elissa before I trusted Andy, Spence, Judd and even GM. Whether Elissa could have picked up the slack for McCrae, we will never know.
As for what is left in the house, I can't say that I have a "favorite" or even least favorite. Each in their own way sets a bad example of their "station in life" (professor, blue collar worker and ????,LOL, I don't know what GM is.), beliefs, culture and what would be considered to be good character.
I rarely say it, but BORING. Usually I can find one person to like in the Final 3, but alas ... can I just cheer for Julie?
I agree with you. We must admit that Evil Dick was an awful HG. Used the C word constantly yet he won. I do not like any of the finalists. I was actually cheering for McCrae. Now I hope is GM although I can't stand her either. Better than Andy or Spencer! Spencer.. ugh.. seriously.. how the heck did he make it to the end.
Like many on here I am so disappointed with BB15. This is the first time since BB5 that I have not liked the final 3. Although I dislike her I hope it is GM and Andy at the finale. I will be so upset if Spencer wins. He has done absolutely nothing to deserve this win. Also upset there was no Pandora box and they never showed the Jury like in past seasons. Glad it is coming to an end. Fingers crossed that Spencer goes home next.
This has been the worst season EVER!!!! The only person I even liked a little Elissa, was voted out, and I could care less who wins. I will watch it just becasue I love this show. But boy am I ever ready for Survivor!!!
This is lame. I wanted McC to win.
Absolutely @Kern'sKreations!!!!!! Andy may have outplayed himself, though. I hope he doesn't choke!!!! If the next comp is endurance, that dude's gonna need to hang on for dear life. There's no WAY Spencer will win an endurance comp, tho, he's always huffing & puffing like mad during any type of physical comp. GM's got stitches & hurt her toe (& bulemia if you believe some of the live-feeders) so he will hopefully kick her azz as well, imo. I picked Andy/McCrae for F2 way back before they let the HG's into the BB house...McCrae just couldn't beat Andy & royally screwed himself by evicting Elissa & trusting Andy. At least I was half right--lol!!!!! Hope Andy goes to F2 with Spencer...who knows, tho, maybe BB will have a Pandora's Box or some other twist planned for tonight?!??? I doubt it if it's the same game they have planned from the beginning. Competitions were GIANT duds that belonged on the cutting room floor this year, and somehow, some way, they managed to sneak their used up nepotism "twist" into it all.
I'll always watch, this season was still fun in other ways, but there were some serious blunders this year which makes for a slimy F2. Just sayin'.
PLEASE no Elissa on Amazing Race!!!!! Please! McCrae & Amanda would be fun to root for, though ;)
Go Andy!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Andy/GM in the Final 2 would be close, though it'll never happen. Spencer gets the $50,000 because whoever wins Pt.3 would be stupid not to take him.
Wish Wil (ain't nobody got time for 2 Ls) could win the half mil instead of the yahoos left in the game. With his BB Sagas, he deserves it most!
Told all the Andy haters he had the best odds & winning these 2 comps helps him. He also knew as a fan of the game, McRae could separate game from personal & realize he made great moves... Looks like that semester off will pay off. Wouldn't a Spencer /GM finale be funny.. (v bertinelli on the talk said she's pulling for a Spencer win).. Andy deserves it.. I'd laugh so much in GM won. Spence didn't do much but he can play, I was on the block every week & survived
When she's not spewing out racism and stereotype, she can be Loveable.. She has a kind heart deep deep deep down, she's not educated & often reminds me of a little kid. The money would help her more than anyone. Andy is a professor.. He can't be that poor & he has huge earning potential, esp after being on BB and living in a big city where doors are going to open
Did I miss something? How is Mcrae going to Jury? Doesn't he get to fight for Veto?
Julie said they would show the jury house on tonights show.
Yes you missed they played POV while feeds were down and that Andy won it.
I agree as well! Andy played the game. Yes he lied and sneaked but isn't that part of BB? Since when is that NOT a valid way to get to the end, hmmm? He managed to stab everyone in the back and they still love him, and oh btw he can also win comps when it counts! Of the final three, I'm Team Andy for sure!!!
She *was* a beauty pageant coordinator. That is, until she got busted making racist comments on national television.
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