As soon as the feeds come back, I'll post the spoiler below!
**There's some sad news tonight about former BB houseguest Britney Haynes & her precious baby girl...
My prayers go out to Britney, her husband and their baby girl Tilly. :( If you would like to show your support, send a tweet to Britney on Twitter. #PrayersForTilly
10:18pm BBT:
Feeds are back!
Spencer & Andy are telling GM about the comp.
Andy/GM will battle it out in Part 3 Final HOH Comp live on finale night. Whichever of them wins, will get to pick who they want to take to Final 2.
**I'll be back tomorrow with a post, after I sleep in & cuddle with Miss Bella in bed until noon for the first time in 3 months. lol ;) I'll see y'all tomorrow!! :D
Stay tuned...

Hi Jaime, I just heard some sad news and wanted to know if you could confirm. Brittney Hayes baby was diagnosed with cancer... Please tell me it is not true :(
I hope Spencer is in the final two with GM, she should win it.
Ashes, it's true hun. :(
Oh how horrible! Do you know what type of cancer?
Don't know results but Spence Us teary at beginning of After Dark.. Hope that doesn't mean he lost. Comp may be going on as they all seem isolated
This season may be universally disliked along with the F3 but we have had some entries into the BB history book this season. Aryan tied the record for most HOHs won in a single season. Spencer smashed the record for most nominations in a single season. And in examining the F3 regardless of who wins there's guaranteed to be 1 more barrier broke this season. If Andy wins he'll be the 1st gay BB winner. If Spencer wins he'll be the 1st fat BB winner. And if GM wins it'll be the 1st time that a woman beat a man in the F2 to win BB. So at least there's that.
Omg that's so sad about Britney's little girl. I hope it's treatable. I list my Dad last year to cancer it's a horrible disease.
Have only seen GM and Spencer on BBAD so far, guess they are still competing.
Prayers going up for Tilly. I have a large army of praying friends. Her baby girl is so adorable. Let us all show our support by praying for a miracle for Tilly.
I don't understand what's going on....watching after dark and GM is laying alone looking troubled over something, Spencer was talking but they cut away from him and haven't seen Andy. Sometimes After Dark can be so confusing!!! I don't have the live feeds and can't see what may have happened earlier. Somebody please tell me what's going on!!! Please
Why is GM so quiet and she looks sad?
It looks like GM is quiet and sad... what is going on?
I know...I'm so confused right now! Wish we knew what's going on. :-(
I don't get the After Dark channel :( but I'm confused just reading your comments. Spencer? Crying?
Andy won part 2
BBAD HGs are back, seems that Andy won part 2.
Spencer and Andy are playing part 2 HOH. She is secluded till they are done
Spencer and Andy are playing part 2 HOH. She is secluded till they are done
From the conversation between Andy and Spencer that Andy did win the competition.
I feel like with this news of Britneys baby girl, who wins what on BB15 seems irrelevant at this point. Nothing puts things into focus quite like the shock of a beautiful brand new baby being sick. My thoughts are with Britney and baby Tilly!
For those who asked about BBAD it 1st started with just GM secluded in a room by herself. Then I guess Spencer went 1st so he was finished and secluded in another room by himself and he was reading his HOH letter and then talking about his family and getting emotional.
They were separated for part 2 of hoh
Andy can't stop talking so he won. Go GM
Otherwise hed be crying. Spence may be the one going tpnF2 regardless
Sounds like the comp was similar to last year's part 2 that Danielle and Ian played. There were like crabs with HGs names and/or faces on them perhaps buried in sand and then they had to climb up a boat using a harness system and put them in order of eviction. Andy finished in about 21mins and Spencer took like 36mins.
Well we won't have our 1st fat BB winner:) The winner of part 3 between GM/Andy wil surely take Spencer and should win unanimously. Can't believe the path to 50k he's taken!
This is in response to Craig Marshall's comment on the last post. He questioned my contention that Elissa and Candice are the 2 most likeable HG's. I was referring to likeable to the viewer and not to the other HG's. Elissa has been far ahead on the Jokers daily ratings all season long. Candice is now in 2nd or 3rd place daily. All the others I mentioned are all on the top of the poll of feed watchers.
My other point was that there are not too many likable HG's this season and that same daily poll shows extremely low ratings for more than half of the HG's with only 3 HG's above a 2/5 rating.
James D.
OMG prayers for Brittany and Ryan and their precious baby.
Jamie can you keep us posted in the next months bc I do not have all the gadgets to keep up. I am 76 and do not need these new gadgets. Thank you.
Brian - great info - thanks! Hey Brian, how come you are never in the live chat with us during the show giving us your insight? (or are you? LOL)
well, this should be interesting - guessing whoever wins round 3 takes perv to the end, so at least he gets $50k
very sad about Brittney's girl - do we know what kind of cancer?
So sad to hear about Britney's beautiful little girl. I have lost a brother and sister and countless aunts, uncles, and cousins to this wretched disease. Prayers for healing, peace, and comfort going out to Britney, her family and all those impacted by this horrible disease.
So is it safe to say that Andy is in the final 2 no matter what?? Doesn't he have a deal with GM and Spencer??
I felt the same way (team GM) until I remembered what she said while Candice was being evicted. That's pretty unforgivable.
They both have reasons for good polling that have nothing to do with them being 'likable'.
Elissa has been the beneficiary of her sister's fanclub all season long, starting with the MVP gimmick. They have been stuffing every poll for her on the internet all season, including when they mistakenly voted her week 4 as a nominee for eviction with MVP: America's Vote. This isn't popularity, and it definitely doesn't mean she's likable. At best, you can say she's polarizing. Candice is getting the racial victimhood vote, not for anything she did in her short stay in the game. If she was truly a fan favorite her numbers would have been high rather than gaining steam while she sat in the jury house. Again, not because she's 'likeable'. There are other forces at work.
Candice begged for GM to say what she said by trying to get a last word in and telling GM to go back home to her mom. It was a low blow and was met by an equally low blow.
Nuff said.
Good luck to Brittney and family.
I'm never in the chat room while the episodes are airing because I DVR everything I watch nowadays and don't watch any show live so I can save time and FF through all the commercials. It cuts out at around 15mins for an hour-long show which adds up. In watching only 4 hour-long shows I can already save myself an hour of time by using the DVR. Then keep extrapolated that out over all the shows I watch and we're talking some serious saved time.
Lindsay, I think GM and Andy go against each other on Wednesday and the winner of that game picks who they want by their side so some one is going
Hi Brian, please correct me if I'm wrong, but i believe that if GM wins that would be the first time in BB history that the first person to enter the house won the game.
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