We are 2 days away from the finale..so close, yet so far.
So what now? Well, now we wait. We wait until this season comes to an anti-climatic ending on Wednesday night.
Either GM or Andy will win BB15 (unless something crazy happens with jury votes) with Spencer taking a 2nd place seat no matter what. And Elissa will most likely win America's Fav. Ho-hum. I am, however, looking forward to seeing Dr Will "drill the jury" on finale night, though I'm not sure how much "drilling" he will do. lol But hopefully he does lay into them a bit. That'd be exciting to watch them squirm!
Just to give y'all a glimpse of the BB15 Final 3 today as of 12:43pm BBT..
..they're all still sleeping.
I'll make a post tomorrow just to so y'all know that I'm still here & with y'all, waiting patiently for Finale Night. ;) In the meantime, start your own BB detox program..dust off your phone and start calling your friends & family, as I'm sure they've missed ya. Go out into the sunlight, get some fresh air. We have 9 months until our BB addiction comes back to consume our lives, so enjoy the off-season! lol
Psssst....I just noticed that Restaurant.com has gift certs for $6 bucks!! Yayy!! Use discount code "YUM" at checkout. I'm gonna snag up a few for my vacation next month in Vegas so I can eat cheap. (I'm a proud budget queen!)
See y'all tomorrow!! :D
Stay tuned...

Don't have to wait for 9 months to be addicted to a reality show. I'm watching Survivor!
Me too Brenda. Anyone think its possible Andy/GM would take each other?
I wish they'd take each other. Spencer doesn't deserve the $50,000. I'm pulling for GM to win but I know Andy really has played the game. I'd be happy if they both went F2, no matter who won. Though, it'd most likely be Andy. That's just my opinion though. The fact that it was single handedly GM's votes that sent out McCrae and Amanda may play on the jury. That and they claim not to like rats like Andy.
I don't think so. I think it will be Spencer and Andy if Andy wins 3rd HOH. It is supposed to be beat GM.
There is no way possible that andy/gm will take each other.
It's unfortunate because Spencer certainly doesn't deserve 50k.
Honestly though, I'm not sure if any of them deserve 500k anyways
It would be interesting to see GM and Andy go to the final and see who the jury voted, but we know that won't happen. And pathetic that the perv (alias Spencer) will get $50K. There were much better players than Spencer! I'm betting like a few others that Andy wins the 3rd contest if it's based on what jury members say.
i'm so over this season i went from watching the live feeds to reruns of BB7 on youtube. haha
9 MONTHS??? no way..BBCAN SEASON 2 beginning of next year!! and im thinking because season 1 went WAYYY BEYOND my expectations with the production (minus some minor hiccups) and the cast (there definitely a lot of likable people on that season), season 2 shall be awesomeee!!!...plus im canadian and its special too see my fellow canadians battle for their big brother lives hehehhehe
Dr Will is really the only thing I'm looking forward to on Finale night. Even though I don't really think he could do or say much of anything cause the game is still being played and that it's most likely purely a ratings grab with the awful F3 they have. It's still Dr Will and anytime he takes an interest in being involved with the show again in anyway it's a good thing.
My thoughts with this Finale and I even tweeted Alison Grodner and Julie Chen about it not like that will matter. I think they should crown the winner much earlier in the show since absolutely no one cares about who wins this season outside of the F3 and their friends and family. This would allow time to talk openly about everything that was done and said this season with those that made it past Jury which is basically everyone you'd want to talk to for the most part. The normal ending on waiting till the last 10 mins to reveal the winner and then have them come out to shooting confetti then taking a commercial and coming back and handing Elissa her $25K check for America's Favorite Rachel's Sister would be extremely unsatisfying.
Also I've said this every season since S12 that I don't like the format change they made in S11 to have 3 people in the house till finale night. It's not like having 3 people has made it any less boring than 2 people was. S11 was a little bit better than since cause they played part 2 and 3 live so there was a little more mystery. But I still think they've completely ruined the Jury process especially for the 3rd place person who basically comes out with their head still spinning and it's like ok now vote. Back from I believe S4-S10 the Jury process would be taped and thus have no time limits or restrictions as they could then edit it down however they wanted. Dan said in S10 their Jury discussion lasted hours and their was no time limit on how long you could talk in your statements or in the number of questions asked. Now they get like what 90secs or something to explain their whole game and why they deserve to win and then they read a couple preselected questions off a cue card. I mean who could possibly convince anyone to change their minds with that little time and it's no wonder the Jury has their minds made up a picked a winner before they even get to Finale.
I mean almost universally everyone feels Dan should've won last season and no disrespect to Ian as he's a very deserving winner almost any other year. I mean almost everyone who didn't vote for him and even Ian would say since going back and watching that Dan played the best game maybe ever. But that's the thing we get to know all Dan did cause we watched it while the Jury was mainly clueless as to all he did and how and why. Perhaps if he had hours to speak with them and go through the what, when, why and how of everything he did things might've at least had a chance to be different.
I mean luckily or unluckily depending on how you want to look at it I don't think it'll matter much with the 3 schmoes we have left this season. But like I said me complaining about this format change has become sort of a yearly tradition for me and I didn't want to let this awful cast of characters bring that to an end for me.
I just wanted to say that I meant no disrespect about my previous post. Re: no houseguests on psych meds. I take some pretty heavy psych meds so I'm not bashing anyone. I am bipolar and I have horrible anxiety and OCD. I do believe that meds were manipulated by production to create more drama. I could not be on the show because if they manipulated my meds, I'd get kicked out. I meant it more for the safety and protection of contestants. Psych meds are not something you withhold from patients. And someone, like Amanduh, not being given their meds in a timely matter and causing her issues. That should NEVER happen again. It was so wrong.
The finale only being 90 minutes sucks. They arent going to have a lot of time when they have to deal with the jury, part 1, 2 and 3 of HOH, and everything else.
COLLEGE OF DUPAGE (Andys Employer) posted this on Facebook. Sounds like theyre the latest ones who dont want to get blamed for what their employee has said
Andy Herren has formerly worked for College of DuPage as a part-time instructor. He does not currently work for the College. Any behavior or language he uses on the CBS reality show “Big Brother” does not represent the opinions or values of College of DuPage.
While some are speculating that he was fired, others simply state the obvious. Hes a part timer who is not a current employee as he had to take off the semester to be on the show. Time will tell.
One thing I read said he admitted to cheating in college. Is that true? OThers are claiming he too has made racist comments. Hes definitely made a lot of derogatory comments and joined in a lot of inappropriate talk for a college instructor.
I wonder if people who do the backyard interviews will inform certain people that they got fired
I find it hilarious that GM complains about other HGs who use "drugs" or medications and she doesn't need them, LOL. Every night she is belting down caffeine laden Coca Cola like a drug fiend. As a result, her behavior is often off the wall crazy.
I wish they had some type of live feeds for the after party - that's where the real entertainment will be! Can't wait to read about the Brendan/GM confrontation.
Brian - WOW - is that true about jury. I never knew that about how long they took - very interesting. I agree - the jury should be allowed to ask lots of questions to actually make a decision. I also agree that it's stupid to have 3 people and then expect that 3rd "loser" person to think rationally about who they want since they just got tossed.
I thought the questions from jury really stunk last season, so I guess that's the reason why.
You are right the psych meds are tricky things and withholding them can cause terrible things to happen. That does not mean that people who take the meds are bad or crazy. But these meds by and large work on the brain. When they are suddenly withheld, the brain can start misfiring all over the place. That is why patients are weaned off of these meds when getting off them permanently or when changing meds - it can be dangerous. They would be required to have a BB doc there monitoring these meds, but obviously not a very responsible one!
Hi Jamie , I was wondering if u can help me . Last year on the feeds with Superpass We had to cancel when the 3 months was up so it did not recharge .Do I have to do the same thing with CBS website ? Any help u can give would be awesome I don't want to pay another month . Thank u as always YOU ROCK !
I heard Amanda got fired and it wouldn't surprise me if Andy wasn't "rehired"
BB should not be messing with they medication schedule of anyone regardless of what meds they are on.
"America's Favorite Rachel's Sister"
I raised the issue here of psych meds a couple of times very early in the season after hearing talk of Xanax and Adderall in regard to certain HG on BBAD. I don't think anybody on psych meds should be on BB, it's a snakepit designed to mess you up, not keep it together.
Ian chose to take Dan, didn't he? I don't even remember the third but it seems it would have been easier to take the other person (Danielle? How quickly we forget!) I thought Ian wanted to be tested against the best and maybe for that reason he "deserved" to win.
I truly hope Allison/Julie are taking note of your suggestions. This season has been like none other and the finale should follow suit. CBS owes the viewers more (re: the finale) this season because we deserve proper closure to this controversial and tension-laden season. No one cares who wins, so vote, get that out the way and address the real issues. CBS could save a lot of face by doing so because they haven't handled this season well at all.
I just heard Ian Terry talk on RobHasAPodcast after Thursday's live show about the Jury issue and Dan himself had told him about how different the talking with the Jury was his 1st season and that he may not have won without it if they had switched it 1 season earlier.
I'm not understanding the conversation about meds. What does being on meds have to do with being in the BB house? Were people not taking them? I'm missing the story line here
Hey hun...I wanted to once again send you endless gratitude for your hard work this summer. The best part of my Big Brother 15 experience by far was...YOU! Thank you for everything that you have done for all of your fans and followers. I know you made many sacrifices to keep us all updated. I am aware that you had some very difficult times this summer with the loss of your dear friend...hugs. I do not know you personally, but I can say with almost absolute certainty that your friend was very lucky to call you their friend as you seem to be a truly awesome person. You obviously dedicate so much of yourself to the things that you find important. As far as this blog goes...you are so thorough, informative, timely, devoted, funny, cute, respectful, smart, and wonderful. YOU DESERVE TO WIN THE BB15 HALF MILLION...AS YOU WERE BY LEAPS AND BOUNDS THIS YEARS BEST! I hate that I am not in the position right now to donate to you...it makes me sad that i can't help you out. I really hope that the powers that be from above someday/somehow reward you for all of your hard work and for all the smiles you put on peoples' faces daily. I will miss the friendliness you exude daily (being at home sick...it meant more than you could ever know, knowing that your blog was always there to provide a daily bright spot). Lol...I wish you did a Survivor blog...but you need a well deserved vacation from reality tv & computers! Again...from the bottom of my heart Jamie...THANK YOU AND TAKE CARE...love Liz from Canada...i look forward to BB16 & your best blog EVER xo
That Sun ep as presently constituted is completely worthless as it is as a lame recap/walk down memory lane. They should at the very least use that show to get rid of the 3rd person and get down to F2. Then rec the speeches and Q&A with the Jury Mon night which would give them 2 days to edit it down for Wed night as well as for the Jury to ruminate and deliberate on what they just heard and who should win. It would probably be preferable to have even more time than that especially for that 3rd place person but I think that's a good compromise to utilize that currently wasted throw away last Sun show.
Xanax and Adderall are as safe as the legal "drugs" alcohol and caffeine when used according to directions and/or in moderation. All can be abused.
I was glad to hear that we can make a donation at a later date. My "fun" money is tied up with outstanding medical bills until the end of October & I am on disability. I am new to your blog, this season, & would like to know what is an appropriate donation amount? Is it done weekly or for the whole season? I used to work in a tipped industry( casino dealer) & I know you can't ask for an amount, but maybe sharing a fee examples. I love, love, love this blog & want to properly thank-you!
Ian and Dan made a deal to take each other and he honored it. Dan has also said he would've taken Ian as well if he'd won the Final HOH and Dan still would've lost as he had a huge hater/bitter betty in Frank poisoning the Jury against him and no one really to defend him as there were plenty of other bitter people perfectly willing to go along especially since everyone loved Ian and Dan won already. Ian's a very smart kid and he knew he'd beat either one and probably anyone in that house if he got to F2. In fact the impression of Dan and Ian in the house was that Danielle was loved by a lot of people in Jury and Ian most likely thought he'd have a much easier time beating Dan than Danielle which is sadly probably right. Plus he's a super duper fan so why not beat 1 of the top 2 players of all-time rather than Danielle. It's a lot easier choice to do the honorable thing and take the tougher competition when you know you can beat them anyway. That's not the 1st time it's happened. Dan taking Memphis over Jerry in S10 and Rachel taking Porsche over Adam in S13 are 2 that come to mind right away.
Psych meds are supposed to help you cope/function in the normal 'real' world, not in a closed nuthouse where your food, sleep, and activities are manipulated and everybody around you is out to get you.
We saw that this season with Judd, Amanda, and Aaryn, just to name three. Three of the most paranoid. CBS should know that there are actually a few people out there that don't need anything at all.
I don't believe Andy was fired. He said something last night about how he hasn't filled out 'paperwork' so it'll be too late for him to teach next semester. I ran across this link while reading this morning:
Check it out. :) It is a link to Andy's ratings as an instructor (not professor) and people might be surprised to see that he is well-liked and respected by past students. People jump to conclusions about HG's based on what they see on TV, but they are real people (for the most part, sorry Elissa...lol JUST KIDDING, brenchel fans) who need to go back to their real lives and WORK for a living.
I don't know Andy nor have I ever met him, but I wanted to make a point. He wasn't fired & at least 27 of his past students enjoyed & learned from him how to be a better public speaker. I also believe that he's the only one left who deserves the $500K! Gooooooo Andy!! :)
Don't assume because one of the houseguests says it, that it is true re: given psyche meds on a timely basis.
Yeah went from watching bb 15 feeds to watching season 1 of bb canada on youtube. I loved bb canada and will def watch season 2 this winter.
Unless andy or GM win part 3 of the hoh pick spencer and he some how still pulls out the win. ( and lets be honest with this cast nothing would shock mÄ› ) we will either have the 1st woman to win over a man in the f2 or the 1st gay person to win BB.
Haha me too! I'm glad I'm not the only one...I'm almost done with bb Canada...and I really like it. I will watch season 2 for sure!
Haha I'm glad I'm not the only one! I'm almost done watching bb Canada and I really like it so far. I will be watching season 2 for sure!!
Anybody else find it ironic that in a season that started with Julie promising a twist that would all but insure no floaters, that these are the finale 3?
The fun of this Final 3 is the likelihood of any of them returning for an All-Star cast is nil. Silver linings people!
I saw Rachel Reilly's latest BB blog for GlobalTV and in it she mentions that Spencer threw part 2 of the final HOH to Andy cause he had a better chance to beat GM in part 3. Now I haven't paid any attention whatsoever really to the live feeds since I found out Andy won part 2. Can anyone else confirm what Rachel is talking about?
I think what this season shows is that if you don't mess with the HG's, they will all just float along. You MUST f** with them - You MUST give them pandora's box, you MUST give the diamond POV, you MUST come up with some better ideas for comps, and you simply MUST isolate folks a little more (it's not much 'punishment' to be alone in a room when folks can just sit at the door and keep you company)
Otherwise, it's like floating down a very slow river ...
I just started watching season one of BB Canada and am just barely three episodes in. Therefore, I really haven't gotten totally immersed yet, but it sounds like (from reading what you are saying) that I will like it :)
Yes Ian chose Dan over Danielle because he was sure the jury was against Dan and would vote for Dani because she was so sweet. I think he made the right move - won him $500,000 :)
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