Speaking of Andy, yesterday at 7:26pm BBT, Andy gave Amanda a shirt of his as collateral that he's voting for her to stay.
She then put it away in her dresser drawer. (Andy told the Exterminators that he's fine with losing that shirt, doesn't mean anything to him.)
With tomorrow's Double Eviction coming up, I'm gonna guess that Elissa will be following Amanda right out the door, unless she wins HOH or Veto to save herself. She is target #1 in the house as of now.
Okay, let's dive into the Overnighter!! :D
**You can watch everything posted below on the Flashback Feeds, which comes with your live feeds $10/month feed pass!
8:16pm BBT:
Elissa/Amanda had a nice, long convo in the hammock last night.
Amanda tells Elissa that she is never gonna hide anything from Elissa and will be loyal to her more than "anything else in the world".
Elissa: "What made you freak out on me?"
Amanda: "I wasn't taking my medication and the miscarriage comment got to me. I regret it more than anything, ever. I think something snapped in me, the combo of GM/Aaryn was telling me the plan was to get rid of me, and I literally just went nuts. It's the number 1 thing I regret in this game."
Amanda said BB brought in the co-executive producer to tell her to knock off the harassing of Elissa.
Meanwhile, Andy/Spencer notice the two new besties on the hammock. Andy/Spencer/GM then did some Amanda bashing. Andy can't wait to see the look on Amanda's face when she's evicted and thinks it'll be "epic". GM said that she will unleash on Elissa after Amanda is gone, to the point where Elissa is gonna wish Amanda was still in the house.
**Speaking of GM, Rachel's husband and former BB houseguest Brendon, made some tweets geared towards GM and her remarks about Elissa's son the other day. She's in for a rude awakening post-BB.
Moving on...
1:26am BBT:
McCrae is doubting that Andy is truly on board.
Amanda: "What? Whaddya mean? He gave me his shirt. He's 100% down."
McCrae: "It seems too good to be true." (*Ding Ding Ding.)
Amanda: "Well..the worst that can happen is that I go."
McCrae shrugs.
McCrae: "I think Elissa is down, but.."
4:37am BBT:
Judd/Amanda talk while on the hammock together.
Amanda asked why he won't vote for her to stay. Judd said because her/McCrae are a couple and it makes them 1 big person.
Amanda: "I still think it'd be smart to keep me here, especially if it's a double eviction."
Judd: "I mean, I'm not locked in, thinking about it.."
**Judd mentioned earlier in the HOH room with GM/Andy/Spencer that the D.R. keeps nagging him about his vote this week & he's getting irritated.
Amanda says that 1 wrong move in the game can mess up his game and that it's "all about timing". Judd agrees. They then talk about previous houseguests and moves they've made. Amanda said that she still trusts Andy 100%. (That will be here downfall this week.)
Amanda: "If I was still here (tomorrow), would you put me up?"
Judd: "No. I told you, if I (won HOH), I wouldn't put y'all up. I don't have anybody to go to Final 2, or Final 4, of Final 3 with. I mean, I'm not dead-set on my vote yet. I think clearly keeping Spencer would be better for my game, but ..man, he's been up (on the block) a lot!"
They ended up talking until around 5:25am BBT. Nothing game changing came from this convo, though.
**And that's it for The Overnighter! Lots of the same old Amanda/Elissa bashing and Judd/Andy lying to Amanda, while Amanda/Elissa/McCrae all think their plan to save Amanda is gonna work. As of 8:50am BBT, all HG's are sleeping.
Stay tuned...

I don't like Andy, but it annoys me that no alliance (of the MANY) will make it to the end. I wish Spencer would be evicted, then Andy, then GM. A good F4 would be Judd/Elissa (they have a F2) and Amanda/McCrae. With F2 being Judd/McCrae. I think of all the crappy house guests this season, those two are the best of the worst. And McCrae should win because Judd was already evicted and got a two pass from the house and all the BS. IMO
Would some of the Elissa supporters please explain to me why you want her to win? She has stated several times that she hates everyone in the house and would never hang out with them afterwards in the real world. She has said she hates being there with "those" people. She has businesses with her sister, a rich husband, takes expensive vacations, and you want her to win half a million dollars? Why? So the rich get richer? I just don't get it...smh
Interesting how the women let the men take over again, in terms of numbers.
Glad Mcc is realizing that Andy might not be on their side. Really Amanda? You think having someone's dirty shirt means anything?
At this point in the game, it begins harder to float around and you more naturally hang out with the people where you are aligned.
I'm guessing you are right - it will be Amanda and Elissa gone tomorrow nite, unless she wins HOH
So glad to see McCrae is already starting to distrust Andy. It makes it much more likely he won't fall for Andy's lie and target the right people should he win. That would make this DE HOH comp 3 vs 2 with Andy, Spencer and Judd vs Elissa and McCrae. Normally I'd still lean towards favoring the 2 cause they've been much better in comps. However the fact that it's a DE means this HOH will almost certainly be questions which means anyone could win so you'd have to favor The Exterminators with the #s advantage.
The DR better work a little harder.. After Amanda leaves this will be B-O-R-I-N-G. How does anyone feel the need to carry Spencer?? Can you say floater? And come on Amanda!! She is usually sharp as a tack. Get up there and start talking to GM just in case there is a tie. McCrea is already suspicious. Have your bases covered! I think BB will lose viewers when Amanda leaves and then you're saying Elissa will be next. What entertainment will that be?
Feels like tomorrow can't come fast enough....
Andy is the biggest rat bastard!! I hope the shyt hits the fan after Amanda goes and he is called out for the liar he is! It's going to be so obvious he lied, you don't just give your wedding rings for collateral and then just lie about it...I hate Andy! GM and Spencer are worthless too.
Once again Amanda is lost in this game. Both Elissa and even McCrae have questioned Andy to her and she absolutely immediately shuts them both down. I mean he did give her a t-shirt as collateral afterall. Wedding ring and t-shirt yeah those 2 things are of equal personal value. Haha
I can't wait for yet another one of Andy's sob shows after he evicts someone. Hopefully Amanda realizes before she leaves and tells him off on her way out the door. It's amazing how people keep trusting Andy no matter how many people he stabs in the back. Cause as long as he's turning on someone else to be with you he's ok. However they fail to recognize that if he'd do it to them he'd obviously do it to you as well. It's sorta like if a guy cheats on his girlfriend to be with you watch out because the odds are very high he'll eventually cheat on you to be with another girl.
I think you should add "none of the above" to the poll about America's Favorite Player. It'd probably win in a landslide. I know there's not 1 of these HGs that have inspired me enough thus far to spend any of my time voting for them to win anything.
I would much rather someone who didn't necessarily "need" the money win it than a couple of women who are racist and slander innocent children or men who use the "c" word repeatedly to describe every woman in the house at one time or another. Period. Rooting for Elissa is a no brainer for me
Aaryn leading in the America's Favorite poll.... Come on people. Do you really think CBS would let that happen....
As much as I don't like Amanda and all of the nasty things she has done I dislike Andy just as much for being a RAT. I hope we vote on a special power that elissa ,mccrea or amanda get and pull amanda down and put the RAT on the block and send his ass home!
@Lisa T - it's not about voting for the person who needs the money the most. It's about who has played the game the best. I'm not saying it'd have to be Elissa - I'd be happy with her, McCrea, or even Judd winning. Elissa has always been an underdog - target was on her from week one. McCrea has played a mostly social game and aligned with someone who did all the dirty work for him - and despite them being such a strong team he was never a target until this week. Judd - I don't think he has played an amazing game, but to come back to final two after being voted out - I gotta give him credit for somehow getting rid of the target and making it there.
Why should Elissa win? I don't know but consider this and what happens going forward. I give great credit to "character growth" and improvement. Of those in the jury, Aaryn has show substantial growth and the others have not, not Candice, not Helen and not Jessie.
Of those still in the house, Spencer and Judd have shown no growth so far. Amanda has shown growth. GM seems to have shrunken character. McCrae is about the same, Andy is slipping and Elissa has potential. The fact that she is working with Amanda is huge step forward. She is not without blame in her rivalry with Amanda but at least Amanda has stepped up and admitted her wrong.
It is still early in Elissa's new relationship with Amanda but Elissa has growth potential. She has even moved the dial. Can she see and admit her mistakes and character flaws? Can she grow so much and be so competitive that she overcomes the past 70 days coming in with a huge disadvantage and mismanaging relationships? Can she make up for her self imposed "holier than thou" attitude by displaying real character growth? Or was it all just a BB act?
Here's my thing... While Amanda is just sitting there accepting her fate, and yet McCrae is not campaigning at all for her to stay. Ok so Andy gave her a shirt and E gave her a ring, but where is her 'man' in all this? I'd think he'd be trying his booty off to get her to stay, and yet nada...
And what makes me even more confused is that he's supposed to be this super-fan, yet he's done N O T H I N G in this game other than tuck himself under his girl's wing and hide. Where is HIS game play? Where are HIS alliances? I'm just very disappointed in him overall.
And if A and E go, then I guess Andy's my next in line for an actual player. While GM put Mcranda on the block, it was still so late in the game to call her a 'player'... at least Andy played the game, no matter how shady..
Lisa T - completely agree. I can see how people wanted her to be given a fair chance in the early stages, but she didn't embrace the MVP vote very well (and even said she wished she didn't have it). Helen kept her in the game with her tactics, but Elissa hasn't really played the game very well at all.
Also, the favorite houseguest - I thought we could vote for people who didn't make it to jury now? I'd be tempted to vote for David just because his face/hair/voice made me laugh quite a bit, and he didn't have enough time onscreen for me to dislike him as much as everyone else
"She has stated several times that she hates everyone in the house and would never hang out with them afterwards in the real world. "
Well many of us feel the same way as Elissa does. So... yeah...
"I know there's not 1 of these HGs that have inspired me enough thus far to spend any of my time voting for them to win anything."
I'm Not Team Elissa, but why should it matter AT ALL, whether Elissa "Likes" or "Hates" the other HG??
Last I checked, this was a GAME, not there to Make Besties.....
I really hope Mccrae continues to see cracks about Andy's loyalty. Time is ticking before DE. If Mccrae wins HOH I would just flip s!#t thinking he would miss the opp to get Andy the rat out!
GM is despicable, Andy is despicable, Spencer is a disgusting pig. With Amsnda leaving, I can only hope Elissa wins HOH. If Andy makes it to final 2 I don't think he will win. Are the jurors sequestered? Do they get to see the live feeds or only what is televised?
I keep thinking it is going I get sticky because Amanda has Elissa' s ring, and Andy is going to try to frame Elissa for Amanda's eviction.
1. McCrae should be campaigning for Amanda to stay, as was mentioned by another poster. The fact that he isn't is just indicative of his lousy game play (I think Brian mentioned this? Or it was someone else.) He should be in there fighting to protect his (new) alliance and keep his girlfriend (an unquestionable ally) in the house. Hey, if he wants to break her heart and dump her after the game is over? Fine. Just don't do it when you need her as another potential HoH or Veto win. (You know she would have used the veto on McCrae and not herself if she'd won it.)
2. I love how all the Amanda bashers are now afraid she'll leave the game because it'll be boring. Hey, welcome to Understanding Big Brother 101. ;)
3. I am actually proud of Elissa for reaching out to Amanda. I'm equally as proud that Amanda has buried the hatchet (and not in Elissa's head). If only that had come a few weeks earlier...
4. I still don't want Elissa to win. I actually do think that it comes down to who needs the money, sometimes. Because let's face it. We're all human, and we all value different things in life. Seeing someone who needs money for their family/life (Jordan, anyone?) win it over someone who's already loaded gives a lot of us a happy feeling inside. It says, "Job well done! We're very proud of you. Please spend your money wisely and lead a happy life." For many of us, this is a vicarious affirmation that those who need it most can attain their dreams. It's human. And yes, it does factor into the jury votes because the jury is human too.
The jurors are all in the Jury House together. Each evicted HG brings a DVD with them I believe with just the comps and ceremonies on it. Then of course they can discuss the events that happened with each other although I think I've heard they try to limit them from talking about the game to only when cams are there.
Still dont understand why people like Elissa or what she's done. She wouldve been lost in the beginning without Helen; she was ready to quit when she didnt get her way; she changes her mind suddenly after every DR session; and the only reason she lasted in the beginning is because she had the unfair advantage of people MVP 3x in a row - (and basically because of Brenchel fans and Brenchel's large social media presence). She wasnt the person with the best strategy.
And Im not a huge fan of Andy and think this may all catch up with him (Did he offer a shirt to Amanda or did she ask..as others said - shirt v ring? Plus he already brought up the shes setting him up thing to McRae so thats going to sound very planned when he says it, esp since Elissa gave her RING UP)...But I still am confused why when other people lie and cheat and play the rat like Dan or Will, theyre considered to have played a great strategic game. Yet Andy, who has had the best social game , and didnt go up on the block until E put him there to get aaryn out, is considered evil for doing the same thing others do to win. If I were him, Id be more concerned about being a college professor and exposing so much of your personal life on TV. But hopefully Judd wins the 25K if nothing else...Elissa doesnt desrve that and I still cant for the life of me fathom all of this.
So true, Andy is just like a cheater boyfriend. Once a cheater, always a cheater Andy! You will be found out! Even if u make it to final 2, there will have been so much trash talk of your lying, chances are they wont vote for you because you have betrayed everyone at least once in that house with a lie!
Yes, bloggers I realize lying is part of the game but Andy's gameplay in my opinion does not make him a winner.
im waiting to see if there is going to be some mystery power that removes Amanda from the block and thus confirming the "rigged" rumors. Ill be 100% done if thats the case. If i had to pick America's Player, id pick Jesse or Judd. Part of me would like to see McCrae win because he is a fan. cant blame him for falling into Amanda's trap. I cant say that he appears to have much "game" on the outside.......so which guy wouldnt have done that. part of me likes Judd tho too. I DEF DO NOT want Andy to win! SMH. He is a total RAT! lol i mean .......just be a jerk for all that then. Id have more respect for him if he did, rathern than be a FAKE the whole time. ugh. smh.
IMO. :)
Not to mention....what does it matter that she has more money than the others...people shouldn't be judged for being of any income level....aside from the game people with money can do a lot of good....wealthy does not equal bad or undeserving of more. If those are the qualifications of a GAMESHOW(being poor) then the only people who should qualify should be the lowest of income. He having money has NOTHING to do with it...if we don't want to make "the rich richer" then there's a multitude of things we should ALL stop doing...not really an E fan 100% but it has come down to picking the best of the worst and she has not displayed the disgusting behavior of most of the others....why would she like them anyway? She's been told since day one that she's hated...
Don't worry, Steven. Next season, everyone will be complaining about how much BB sucks and then saying, "I wish it was like last year when Amanda..."
Happens every year!
Elissa has shown some truly horrendous behavior. You must not watch the feeds. She thinks she's better than everyone else, looks down on them, says she would "never associate with /those/ people" outside of the house (this is something she said in the beginning, even). She's always pushing for special gifts and promos... Talks about her little parties with her friends, never mentioned her stepkids and talked about how her sister needs to spend more time with her nephew. (Nevermind the other kids.)
She looks down on everyone and is a complete bitch. Sorry. It's utterly true. I wouldn't trust her to do "good things" with her money. I'd trust her to go on a shopping spree.
BB is gonna be in some serious trouble if people are looking back fondly on this season next year.
What is the "miscarriage" comment about? Apparently it is something Elissa said to Amanda?
Not liking the other house guests and not wanting to hang out with them outside the house isn't horrible behavior - from what I've seen of them, I wouldn't want to either. I cannot fault Elissa for not being fake and acting like she's friends with them. Yes, there is a social side to the game but when the whole house pretty much hates you from the beginning - I don't know that I could just act like I loved them either.
Everyone has done/said stuff in that house that I don't like - but personally, of those left, Elissa and Judd are the two I respect the most. Elissa has said much more than Judd (she does come off a bit arrogant), but with all the crap thrown at her I think she has handled it all in stride.
I don't require people to do "good things" with their winnings for me to want them to win it. I find all the other house guests disgusting too and I would never hang out with any of them (except Elissa as long as Rachel want around) willingly. Guess I am just am elitist snob too because I think I am classier than them too. Difference is, I am working class without a rich hubby.
And also, if I had spent this long in that house with "those" people, an intense shopping spree would only be one of the things I desperately needed and deserved. Maybe daily hourly long massages....intense therapy for PTSD.....
I don't care what any of them would do with the money....just saying people with the means HAVE the means to give. Whether or not they would is not something we can possibly know. I watch the feeds have seen her talk about her step kids and trips they've taken and how much fun having a big family is...we don't have enough information about her life (or any of their's for that matter) to know the reason why or why not they talk about certain personal issues. Maybe It's out of respect to the kid's bio mom...you just can't know. She (E) doesn't like the people who have openly HATED her. She was asked to be on the show and she never expected to encounter such hatred....you honestly cannot know how you'd react in such a stressful environment....she thinks their behavior is "gross" because that's how they've treated her....instead of using vulgarity to describe them she uses different words....we all say things in times of pressure or anger that we don't mean but I don't know how on earth she is worse than the other hg....she just has a different personality. If nothing else this is a life lesson for her in learning to have more grace for others...don't really see how what anyone else does with their money is anyone else's business...most people who win even much larger amounts of money, and come from having little, end up blowing through it with nothing to show for it...there's just so much hate spewed out of the mouths of many of these people that I don't see the reason to add to it comments that have nothing to do with the game....however the person got there. None of us could be in that situation and be perfect...they all have different ways of coping...I personally look at situations with the mindset that whatever is happening on the outside is because of something on the inside. She told McCrae the other night she was sorry for acting in anger ever since they chose to work with Aaryn over her...it hurt her. These people are only human...personal character bashes aren't necessary. It makes, what should be an interesting game, so uncomfortable to watch
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