This morning, the HG's gave BB some footage to use for BB After Dark tonight, so if you missed anything from this morning, just watch that. They just did some stupid filler stuff, nothing to write home about.
So...that's it! We're in the midst of a feeds blackout, so feel free to do anything ya like! :D Go outside, start calling your family & friends and tell them you only have 1 more week of your BB addiction left and then they'll have ya back to your normal stuff. ;) hehe
Also, and I wish I had seen this yesterday, but has that cheapo deal back!!! $4 for $25 gift certificates (use discount code: "SAVE") for resturants in your area! :D Or any area, for that matter, including while on vacation. I just found out last week (after I restocked my own gift certs) that they have a cool app out now, so you can buy & use them on the go!
How neat is that!! I use them all the time & swear by them, especially if you're on a budget like myself but still wanna treat yourself (or your lady..hint hint, men! ;) ) to a nice meal at a huge discount! My only advice to you is to hurry up while ya can because the best restaurants usually run out of gift certs fast! Oh, and guess what? The gift certs NEVER EXPIRE!! :D
In other news...
If you're wondering what we can look forward to for this last week of BB, here's the projected BB schedule:
BB15 Schedule:
Tuesday: Feeds blackout/Eviction inside BB House (will be shown on Weds)
Wednesday: The "Special eviction episode" (taped today, Tues) will air & will reveal the Final 4. Feeds will return after BB's show airing. We'll find out who the new HOH is & who won Veto.
Thursday: Live Veto Ceremony & Eviction, then Part 1 of the Final HOH begins, which will be Endurance.
Saturday: Part 2 of the Final HOH Comp, which will be physical.
Wednesday: Finale night. Part 3 of Final HOH Comp will be live, it'll be questions.
Okay guys & gals, enjoy your couple days off! See y'all back here tomorrow night at 8pm EST for the East Coast showing of BB!! :D
Stay tuned...

Question about the schedule - Is it on SATURDAY night instead of SUNDAY? My TVGuide still says Sunday. Gotta know for certain to set the VCR - yes, you read that right VCR!
THANKS AGAIN JAMIE - for this blog - you ROCK!
WOW - It's always withdrawal when I'm working, put on hold and don't have this site to check out and make some kind of comment! LOL
The show will still air on CBS on Wed, Thu, Sun, Wed. The schedule Jamie put up listing Sat is when the comp will actually take place in the house.
Thanks BRIAN!
You should be on the show next season!!
For a newbie, can someone explain what the endurance, physical and questioning are like? In the end the jury decides?
Final 3 HG's Battle it out in the Final HOH Comps.
Part 1: All battle in Endurance Comp. Winner goes to Part 3.
Part 2: The 2 losers of Part 1 battle it out. (Physical Comp)
Part 3: Part 1 Winner & Part 2 Winner battle it out with questions live on the air on Finale night. The winner of Part 3 is the Final HOH and decides which houseugest they wanna take to Final 2, evicting the 3rd HG.
@Dee.....Brian can't play next season unless it's an Allstar season." Brian" is actually BB winner Ian Terry posting under an alias. No way is someone that insightful, strategic and intuitive in discussing this game without ever stepping a foot into the BB house! :-) If I'm wrong, Brian, my apologies--but it should be taken as a compliment!
Lol I would absolutely agree with you but Brian was a big commenter during Ian's season so that theory is out ;) I do love reading his comments as well as hearing his theories and observations though!
Lol I had to read VCR twice ;)
OMG! Wil's latest Big Brother 15 The Saga video is the best! Love him!
No apologies necessary whatsoever but I'm not Ian Terry nor any other former BB player posting under a pseudonym. Hahaha! Thank you very much for the compliments though. For you and Dee and all the others who've said in the past I should be on the show I'd love to be on BB, that'd be a dream come true. But let me know if any of you ever get a job in casting for the show cause it doesn't seem like they're really interested in anyone like me. Obviously half the spots are taken up by the opposite gender. Then I'm not some meat head jock wannabe model/actor so there goes half the male spots right there. I'm straight and there's always a gay guy so there's another spot gone. And I'm not some over the top stereotypical caricature of a person so there probably goes the last couple of the spots.
I've seen someone claiming to have been at the taping saying that Judd was J U Double Evicted on a 2-0 vote and that Andy won HOH on Before/After comp in 3 way tie breaker. Now obviously I have no way to confirm and what they're saying is pretty easy to surmise if you know your stuff. I predicted the exact same thing would happen tonight in the comment section of the post before this well before the show even started. Except for the 3 way tie breaker part I didn't see GM doing as well in this quite honestly.
I keep thinking Brian should be on the show as well but we would miss him here! No really we could all get together and sign a petition or something but you have to promise to talk to Jamie via feeds everyday! I would love to see how you would do inside the house because looking in for most of us we can talk a big talk but you seem to go beyond that and really think about things.
I would definitely cam talk cause as a super fan I always appreciate when other HGs have done so in the past and let us know what they were thinking and why.
If I get a casting a job you are so going to be on the show!
Omgosh, I hope it's not true about Andy winning HOH!!
Jamie, you should be a writer of some sort. I know what your day job is and I'm sure that you're great at it, but your talent really is in writing. Thanks for running this blog and feeding my addiction!
Brian, you are the most insightful commentator that I've ever seen! I'd definitely root for you if you made it on the show! Out of curiosity, can you tell us (generally) what you do for a living? You are extremely analytical so I hope that you are an analyst of some sort, or an engineer or something!
I would just like to say I love this blog!! My boyfriend on the other hand hates it because he doesn't understand why I would want to know what happens before it But I love reading all the comments & Jamie you do an awesome job!! I will be a loyal reader for as long as bb is on TV!!
Brian, I hope you try for it despite your conviction that you aren't the right type. First of all, I just think you should go for it for anything you want to do to that degree. Second, I think there's always room for a super-fan in the cast! Last and least, the casting job they did this year was ... not good. So, they should be planning to change things up next time! (Just saying, though, if you can swing a crazy Spencer beard and some kind of accent it wouldn't hurt.)
ha ha ha - I just watched Wil's latest - Elissa as the princess - very funny! If they do have an all star show, they should bring back Wil!
Marley: Thank you so much!! :D
Christine: I have been thinking about your comment all night (in a good way). I've been told that before, and I do love blogging, but I seriously have no idea what I'd blog/write about! But thank you so much for the kind words, I took them to heart and will always reference back to them in the future. :) xoxo
@ Marley
My husband doesn't understand it either... Then again, he HATES any kind of reality TV and that is my guilty pleasure :)
However, my parents actually called me once to find out who won HOH because it was an epi/contest that went into the night and they knew I'd know since I come here IMMEDIATELY on the mornings after those :)
Ha ha ha!!
Marley - yep - love the blog!! But not only to chat and find out what happened but also because there is SO much info they leave out of the show when they edit it. (like they don't know about Spencer's weirdo comments)
Thanks Brian
@ Brian - Keep trying maybe some day! I really enjoy your comments and observations.
@ Jamie - I too love your blog and agree you should try writing. Just write a little bit every day dedicate a certain amount of time for just that. You should check out a writer named Diana Gabaldon's website and like her page on Facebook. She talks of a writer's forum on Compuserve that was very encouraging and she has a video on HER writing process. She has such a cult following that there are Scottish tours base on her characters and places in Scotland they supposedly inhabited. Thank you again for the hard work on the blog.
As a person who has been reading this blog from Jamie's first season, I look forward to the insight from Jamie and Brian. Brian is almost always spot on with his assessment. I often find myself going back to read posts with his predictions and finding they were 100% correct. There are others who comment often, but some name-call or just don't have the insight. As a BB fan since season 1, you kinda get to the point where you already know how it's going to play out.
So Brian, thank you again this season for being the second person I go to for info. You were absolutely missed when you went MIA for a couple days. My first go-to is Jamie and will be as long as this blog, or any other writing Jamie does. I wake up and go to bed reading this blog. And on an awful season like this, when I stopped watching early on, it has given me the fix I needed for my BB addiction. :)
Thank you all for a great, at least on this blog, season! I know the season isn't over yet, but we're really close. See you all next year!
PS- Jamie did you get my donation???
"SAVE" discount code for Restaurant does not work for me after I registered using FACE BOOK.
Rick, the sale expired :( that's why
I would also like to thank Jamie and Brian. I can't even remember what I used to read lol. Thanks for everything u do Jamie and Brian I will say ur predictions sometimes r so on the money makes me wonder if u aren't part of production. BRIAN!!! STOP THAT!!!! LMAO! !!!!!!!
I am so disappointed in the final 3. However, out of the 3 of them, I hope GM wins. I don't know who I like less, Spencer or Andy. The way Spencer talks about Elissa makes me think he hates women. I was shocked when I found out he had a partner. Andy is just....I just don't like him. While I don't like the way GM acted towards Candice, I prefer her over either of the guys.
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