First up, we have the video of the reaction from when Aaryn was 1st told that she lost her job:
Next up, we have the final BB15: The Saga video from Wil Heuser and as always, it's hilarious! lol
And last, but not least, you can watch all of the Backyard Interviews with Jeff on! (click that link, scroll down to 'Backyard Interviews'.)
And that's it for today! :D Enjoy your Friday, guys & gals!!
Stay tuned...

Aaryn does not seem sorry defensive even. Thanks for posting!
As always, thank you so much for all you do! The blog is great, you're amazing!
OMG - Wil's show is soooo funny - he catches those people perfectly - that's just what I think of Elissa! And putting the hand over Helen's mouth and Spencer eating - ha ha ha. (and then the chenbot at the end saying she thought it would never end! LMAO!)
And then the Aaryn interview - she has pr people there and they don't tell her she has been fired first, that makes no sense. It was so appropriate that the guy who interviewed her is 1/2 black and 1/2 asian.
Thinking of how many people on this show went from being a "nobody" to adding to their careers - Jeff, Boogie, Dr. Will etc. This cast will be lucky if they can walk the streets - I don't see any big promotional opportunities for them coming up!
Aaryn already had a publicist with her for the backyard interviews, so it's bizarre that she hadn't been warned that her job loss might come up. ??
Wil was great. How does he do the Elissa face???? It's amazing! Nailed the other HGs pretty good too. ;D Yay Wil. :D
@ Jamie OMG! Wil Heuser's parodies are freaking hilarious!!! I saw one of them much earlier in the season, and loved it but forgot to go back & watch ones I had missed....just watched the latest.....hahahaha "Andy's a li-ah, his pants are on fi-yah....." Too funny! Wil's Elissa impersonation is SPOT ON! BAHAHAHAHA all the way from the purple-y satin-y dress with the flower to the duck-y lips & overly-shiny, overly-made-up face! He's got Amanda down pat as well---shaking those girls all over; McCrae?, I actually had to look twice to make sure it was NOT him......Wil even got some of McCrae's expressions right! Besides Elissa (best impersonation that he does imho;), Wil's portrayal of GM is spot on! Love the hair, of course!!
Thanks, Jamie, for posting these links...I'm going to spend the next few hours watching everything...interviews I already saw in pieces on You Tube (thanks for those links @Brian...yesterday morning I was searching & searching to no avail...I can always count on either you or Jamie to keeping me 'in the know' with BB this season), so I'm looking forward to watching them in the correct order uncut & uninterrupted!
The Aaryn clip was pretty classic, too. "I wasn't fired. Hmm-um. Nope. Wait, what agency are you talking about?" That was what the public wanted, so that what was we got! Called out by a half-black, half-Asian (I think he said Asian??? Forgive me if I am malice intended) gentleman who she profusely apologized to, along with everyone else in the WORLD.....with that beautifully clueless look that she has perfected. You've GOTTA give her props for that...major possible public lynching is what was headed her way if she didn't own up to her ignorant remarks. I'm personally glad she had those PR peeps with her that her mom hired. She's a KID, just turned 23, has her whole life ahead of her, and because she naively uttered several racist phrases in the house, her entire future should be ruined?! Shame on the so-called 'fans' for trying to tarnish a very young woman's life by contacting her agency, her family, etc...FOR SHAME!! Even Candice & Helen forgave her, and most of the comments/actions (Aaryn flipped Candice's BED!) were directed @ them!!!! Aaryn & Candice became friends in the jury house!! The game's over; get over it, geez!! These people who harassed houseguest's family members, friends, &/or employers are the lowest of the low, and deserve to be punished! I hope the victims (Amanda's, Spencer's, Aaryn's, GM's, & Andy's friends, families &/or employers), yes I said VICTIMS, saved every phone # from caller ID, wrote down screen names from FB/Instagram/Twitter, copied or took screen shots for each & every one of the people who just couldn't stop themselves from trying to effectively destroy another human beings' livelihood!! I seriously hope the victims also have a police report, at least one, that documented how/when/in what way? that these crazed, obsessed 'fans' attempted to ruin a young girl's entire life!!!!!!!! My last hope is that the police/FBI find the more serious offenders and arrest them on the charges of: cyber-bullying and malicious intent & are punished to the fullest extent of the law!!! It literally sickens me that there are people like that in the world...are those 'fans' really taking ANYTHING that the HG's say SERIOUSLY in the game of BB?! Really?! Despicable!
•••••keep reading.....I have more......scroll down......continued>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
@ Jamie OMG! Wil Heuser's parodies are freaking hilarious!!! I saw one of them much earlier in the season, and loved it but forgot to go back & watch ones I had missed....just watched the latest.....hahahaha "Andy's a li-ah, his pants are on fi-yah....." Too funny! Wil's Elissa impersonation is SPOT ON! BAHAHAHAHA all the way from the purple-y satin-y dress with the flower to the duck-y lips & overly-shiny, overly-made-up face! He's got Amanda down pat as well---shaking those girls all over; McCrae?, I actually had to look twice to make sure it was NOT him......Wil even got some of McCrae's expressions right! Besides Elissa (best impersonation that he does imho;), Wil's portrayal of GM is spot on! Love the hair, of course!!
Thanks, Jamie, for posting these links...I'm going to spend the next few hours watching everything...interviews I already saw in pieces on You Tube (thanks for those links @Brian...yesterday morning I was searching & searching to no avail...I can always count on either you or Jamie to keeping me 'in the know' with BB this season), so I'm looking forward to watching them in the correct order uncut & uninterrupted!
Read more >>>>>>>>
Thank you for not posting "more". You need to get a grip. And the HGs who uttered racist and homophobic remarks are just as despicable as those who contacted their family and employers. They absolutely should bear some repercussion from it and own up to it. It is unacceptable.
Amen J
Thanks for posting this. I can't believe she didn't know she was fired, she seemed shocked.
Thanks for posting this. Aaryn seemed pretty shocked about her job loss- I thought she would've known before. I love Wil Heuser's videos, so funny.
I sure miss your restaurant updates! How do you find out the codes? I love the videos!!!! Too funny :). Thanks again for everything!
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