This was my 7th season blogging Big Brother and I will be back next summer for my 8th! I am very much looking forward to season 16 of BB and I hope y'all come back & join me!
I want to say a huge THANK YOU!!! to all of you who have signed up for the live feeds through the blog and those of you who have ~*donated*~. If you did both, then you are just frickin' amazing!!! It is with your support, and only with your support, that allows me to be here all summer long every single summer to blog for y'all. So from my (& Bella's!!) humbled and grateful hearts, we say..
THANK YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!
(*This was taken a few weeks ago when I laid down on the floor next to her and caught her smiling when I took this pic. :) )
If you want to watch the backyard interviews with Jeff, then click here to watch it live!! I might make a surprise post here & there, so check back periodically for any new posts.
Until we meet again for Big Brother 16, have a fantastic night & a wonderful 9 months until BB16 begins! Love you guys & gals!!! :D
Jamie & Miss Bella
Stay tuned...

Thank you!
Thank you!!
You rock, Jamie!!!
Thanks for a wonderful blog! I'll be back next year.
Thanks for doing a great job on a wonderful blog! I'll be back next year.
Thanks again! Any chance you'll blog about the HGs that lost their jobs reactions when they find out! Lol
Thanks again! Any chance you'll blog about the HGs that lost their jobs reactions when they find out! Lol
Thanks for everything!
Thanks for everything!
Hey Jamie.
I would love to thank u once again for ALL you have done for us this season ! I can't wait till next season of #BB16.
Personally I think You have the best blog out there ... If people don't know about you I am always glad to tell them how to find you.
You & Bella have a great relaxing time deprograming your brain not watching feeds 24/7 anymore.
I will be here next season & I can't wait already LOL! You rock Jamie (& you too Bella).
Thank u jamie for suffering through all the boring footage every year so we can enjoy the highlights and after this season that is saying alot.
Big Thank you for your posts. Its reaches far and wide and you have a fan in south africa.
Your site was a regular stop for me daily and will definitely be back next year. Thanks and enjoy the break.
Jamie you are amazing! You are genuine, kind and so funny. And that my dear is why we return each year to take this journey with you. Tough one this year, but you came through like a champ. Looking forward to next season, but FIRST I'm gonna send you another donation and I hope you guys do the same.Plus you and Bella are absolutely adorable in the pic! Thank you-Melody B
Is there a link to watch the back yard interviews? I didnt watch them live last night and I cant find the link to watch them now. Please let me know. Thanks!
IT'S SAD TO SAY GOOD YE TO ANOTHER BB SEASON :( but it ok we had next season to look forward to! Thank you so much for always keeping us bb addicts Inform and up to date on what's been happening around the clock inside the bb house! I will miss logging on reading on the everyday things that occurred or the drama I might o missed but I'm grateful and will miss it. THANK YOU!!! See u next year!!!!!!! :)))
Thank you again Jamie for all your hard work. I did not get to see and can't find the backyard interviews. I had to go to bed bc I had to go to work today...............thanks
I too would like to know if there is a link to the backyard interviews.
Info about the feeds subscription:
I called 1-877-211-4367 and this is what I was told:
If you bought the season pass (early bird or not), you can still have the feeds until Oct. 20th with no additional charges. I was told your subscription will auto-cancel with no additional steps needed.
If you got the feeds by paying monthly (not the season pass), you should call to verify what YOU need to do. I believe monthly subscribers will get the feeds until Oct. 20th too, but I don't know if there is an auto-renew or not, so please call to get the details for YOUR situation.
Hope that helps!
Suzie Q
Thanks for all your hard work this year and this year's work really was hard for the majority of this season. You really did your absolute best to make chicken salad out of chicken sh!t this season. Haha Here's to hoping next season is more along the lines of a nice juicy steak.
thank you everybody!!! :D
Brian: i, as well as many others, are big fans of YOURS! Thank you for coming back every season and being such an amazing part of this blog. I will miss you, my friend.
Thanks again for an amazing year of BB and all the work you the blog. When I get bored of a season at some point, like I did w/ this cast once it got down to the final 6 or 7, I keep up on everything thru your blog!
I hope they bring back past BB HG's. I know some don't like it, but if u really think of the best seasons in the last 5 years, the ones w/ past HG's have been best. Or at least a huge twists like BB 8, one of the best seasons ever.
Also, I love dogs and that is the best dog smile ever cute!
Thanks again and see u next summer!
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