Also on the show tonight, we will find out who won HOH & the Veto. Frankly, if McCrae doesn't win either, he'll be gone tomorrow during the normal live eviction episode.
For those of you who cannot be near a TV tonight, I'll post the spoilers right here on the blog. If you want to watch online, click here!
**Live feeds will return at 9pm BBT (12am EST).
Stay tuned...

I don't think we see who won the newest POV on tonight's show. I'm almost positive that has to wait till the feeds come back to try to figure out. That comp won't air till tomorrow night's ep. Tonight's ep will have the POV comp we already know McCrae won where they were dressed like superheroes, then the POV ceremony where McCrae comes down and Judd goes up and apparently has harsh words for McCrae, then Judd's expected eviction and closing with the crowning of the new HOH.
Thanks Brian! I know the veto comp was already played, was hoping they'd show it on tonights show. Ughh this episode is dragging out!
I won't even bother watching the tv show tonight (west coast) I just get my updates here...I will watch tomorrow nights live show however.
Thanks for keeping me updated Jamie =)
Since I seem to be on quite a roll with my predictions lately coming true I'm gonna go ahead and say McCrae won the latest POV. Although that's mostly just wishful thinking on my part here's to hoping my streak continues. Haha
Just a comment from some of the other comments going on in your other post...
Jamie I too had always wanted to write and would do little things here and there. I had horrible follow-through and could never decide how I really wanted to go about it. Last January I started nutrisystem and began participating in the online community there. Especially writing in the blogs, the little daily blogs really helped me out. So I started my own personal blog and have been writing in it ever since. Here's my link if you are interested in reading, I would recommend starting at the beginning. I would also love yours and anyone else's feedback.
P.S. I'm just about at a total of 50 pounds lost! Yay!
Looks like the early leaks were right!
It did not show how Gina got hurt, maybe tmr.
After seeing the competition I can kind of figure out how GM got hurt. :/
Brian..I'm going to jump on this bandwagon with you! Since these comps have been super predictable, the last POV one should be a memory challenge and I'm gonna go ahead and count Spencer and GM out of that one. The two likely winners would be Andy or McCrae. However, I am curious what Andy is going to do with this HOH (are the gloves off?) Is he still going to try and stay loyal to McCrae and not put him up at all? With the possibility of winning POV himself and backdooring him or just flat out stop the charade and put him up initially? It's time to get bloody Andy!
When will we find out who Andy nominated and who won POV??? Ugh I cannot believe Andy won!
When will we find out who Andy nominated and who won POV??? Ugh I cannot believe Andy won!
@ Brian, and I am hoping it's an Andy v. McCrae F2, as you know, with McCrae winning....they both played a great game imho. Looks like we are alone as fans because hardly anyone else likes either of them and call them insufferable, insulting names. Probably the 'Brenchel Army'. So childish! Elissa was booted (OH NOOOO --- in a nasty, backhanded way.....SHOCKER!! It's BB, fools! lol) and barely made a plea for herself...pathetic that her sister's fans choose to defame everyone else on the show and can influence the masses like they do for Elissa, who doesn't nor did she EVER really play imo.
I know, Brian. Highly unlikely that my dream F2 is going to happen. McCrae winning veto makes them F2, tho!!! Could it be true?!?!?!
Noms don't really matter as it's all about who wins POV, unless Andy won POV as well, then whichever 1 of the other 3 won POV will be safe and decide which of the other 2 goes home. The feeds should come back on when BBAD starts at 9pm BBT 12am EST at that point the mad scramble to figure out who won POV begins. Hopefully it doesn't take too long as it probably happened awhile ago so who knows what they'll be talking about when feeds come back.
Live feeds will return at Midnight EST ... Same time as BBAD
Now that Judd's out I could start to see some more people rooting for McCrae since he's a week removed from the negative feelings being with Amanda put on him and especially given the other choices of his competition.
If McCrae won POV him and Andy would both be guaranteed F3 but I still feel Spencer is basically guaranteed F2 because I'm pretty sure that's who everyone would want to be sitting next to in the end.
I'm playing thorough ask the scenarios in my head if I were Andy ... I would nominate Spencer and GM because this would look like you were forced to put up McRae if one of them won veto and it would be that person voting McRae out more you ... And if Andy wins veto then you stick with the plan of Andy Spencer and McRae to the end this pretty much guaranteeing a spot in the final 2 ..
@ Brian....yes you made me see the light....Andy/McCrae ALMOST made it all the way...I was close, though! ;) Do you get anything for being close when you bet? Not.
I'm glad for them both, no matter what anyone says about the 'failed' season, I disagree!
Still gonna say it...
Andy/McCrae all the way! :)
I dislike Rachael and am def not part of any brenchal army. In fact this is my first season watching BB (I dislike Rachel from amazing race) but I love Elissa. I hope she wins fan favorite.
I think when non-elissa fans say that it's just the brenchal army wanting elissa around, it's misguided. Most people I know that like elissa, don't like rachel
Everybody, especially McCrae as a big fan, knows that initial noms at F4 mean nothing though. It wouldn't surprise me if those were his noms but I don't think McCrae would fall for it though especially since we know he's onto that it was Andy that turned and voted out Amanda. So I think McCrae would take Spencer over Andy if given the choice for in his mind the easier win.
It's kind of a known strategy at F4 to nom your closest ally to create cover. That's why I thought it could've worked better with Spencer's noms since it was a unique situation with a solid 4 person group all after 1 person who didn't know about it. Perhaps the only 1 I could see it working on is GM since she doesn't know the game as well. Perhaps Andy left her off the block to build a false sense of security with her that he wants her in F2 while telling McCrae and Spencer who know better obviously noms don't matter so he put them up to make GM not fight as hard for POV.
I can't believe Andy won I hate him he is a slim ball of all the years I been watching the show this devil has to go he is soooo phony it makes me sick!!!
"...wanting Elissa around..."? She is gone. AFP? Not at all in my opinion.
Like Heather, I disliked Rachel (and Brendon!) during her seasons and I obviously don't follow her on social media. I LIKE Elissa (even though her affect/manner is very strange), because she didn't participate in what I think of as the "Bigot Games." I also liked that she (mostly) was independent of Amanda's influence. I don't care that she was a princess or that she isolated herself from those horrible people. She also was never a bully to anyone.
So, for all those people wondering why Elissa rates so high in the polls, for me anyway it's because basically she's not a bully or a trash-talking bigot. I'm sorry if that explanation is insufficient, but that's basically all there is to it FOR ME.
Here's an unenthusiastic, "McCrae for the win."
So very true! They are such completely different people. I totally prejudged Elissa based on how I felt about Rachel (hated her!) but after a few episodes, I grew to love Elissa. I want Elissa to win fan favorite and I am the biggest anti-Brenchel person there is.
As the saying goes close only counts in horseshoes and hand grenades.
Like I suspected Andy's initial noms appear to have been McCrae and Spencer. I'd guess since GM is the only 1 who doesn't know the game well enough to know those noms are meaningless so being left off the block isn't a sign of anything between her and Andy.
You're wrong about that. Elissa WAS a bully. When Amanda dressed up as a dominatrix for McCrae's birthday. The whole time Amanda was getting ready Elissa was telling her how bad it was and insulting how she looked and how it was 'disgusting'. And she kept doing that until Amanda was crying.
And this was BEFORE Amanda ever said anything to Elissa. This was why Amanda did not like Elissa. Everyone acts like Amanda just hated Elissa for no reason, but that's not true. ELISSA started it. Not Amanda.
Elissa might not have been a bigot, but she was a bully.
And Jamie. I just wanted to say thank you for doing this blog. This is the first time I've ever commented, but I've been reading it for years. You're awesome. :)
Looks like Andy won Veto. Super depressed :( Any chance production might convince him to use it and backdoor GM?
Looks like Andy won veto. Super depressed :( Any chance production might convince him to backdoor GM? Otherwise we're in for the worst finale ever!
I'm not positive whether Andy or GM won POV but it doesn't matter. McCrae didn't win so he's getting evicted.
So F3 is Andy, Spencer and GM. Yuck! As far as I'm concerned Spencer is basically guaranteed F2 and 50K as I can't see him beating anyone so I can't see either not taking him. In my mind GM is now the favorite to win as I can't see her losing the endurance comp against those 2 in the part 1 of the Final HOH. And if Andy doesn't win part 2 I'd think he'd be out either way as it'd be dumb for the other 2 to take him over each other. So basically Andy is now McCrae he either keeps winning and wins the whole game or he gets evicted.
Thank you for bringing that incident up. That wasn't the only time Elissa bullied Amanda. And it got worse because not only did she make Amanda cry by insulting her (when it was supposed to be a fun birthday party for McCrae), but Elissa made AMANDA apologize FOR CRYING.
And Elissa never felt remorse. Not one little shred of it. At least Amanda felt genuine remorse at the things she'd done--and when confronted admitted that she'd done lousy things and was sorry (unlike Aaryn who lived in fantasy land with Elissa).
It makes me physically ill when people cry about Elissa getting treated poorly. Elissa got a great edit on the show--on purpose--and they never showed her being a bully or playing the race card to the minorities for their votes or insulting people to their faces and behind their backs... or any of the other disgusting, s____y things that Elissa did during her time in the house.
She's a sociopath, as far as I'm concerned. She has no soul.
UPDATE: Andy definitely won POV
I wanna know what Judd left in McCrae's Bible!
@Brian toooooo funny. True, too! Thumbs down on the F3. Andy deserves it most now that McCrae's gone.
@James....anyone taking McCrae to the F3 is insane as he would beat them all if he ended up in the F2. I'd love that to happen but it most assuredly will not, unfortunately. No reason to boot GM...she's hurt, looks ill (imo, something is not right with her whether the bulemia stories are true or not), she is easy to beat in most comps, and Andy &/or Spencer would rather have her than McCrae next to them in the F2. Just sayin! I wanted McCrae to win it all, but alas, that's not happening :(
PLEASE, regarding America's Fave Player & the $25,000......please let ANYONE but Elissa win! If that happened, it would erase the damage that the MVP caused BB this year imho.
@ Brian, what kind of comp was it (POV)? Do you know if it was a memory comp? Here's a thought. Perhaps McCrae should have studied more and refrained from 'not playing' BB every night as he played house with Amanda. I was hoping his fish food bags would help him; guess not!!
Some final thoughts (& if this is a re-post of some of the same ideas, I apologize...I had a great reply ready to go, and as I was fixing my spelling on the word ' annihilate ' , I accidentally tapped 'sign out' on my phone screen & I lost it all....oops..:( ):
*Will the F3 be completely shocked about all of the negativity & bad publicity they're getting? (again, that Brenchel Army took over just about every other blog out there -thanks for not letting them in here, Jamie!! You ROCK! ;)
*Does BB need to pat down/metal detect the finale audience for the F3's (as well as Aaryn & Amanda's) safety? From what I've been reading, a TON of people out there quite literally DESPISE them all. (Why is that? They should be angry with BB casting, as they're the ones who PICKED these people for the game.)
*Hopefully, McCrae wins AFP and is offered a job with BB so he doesn't throw his young life down the toilet and move to FL & knock up Amanda!!!! Just sayin'!!
*I am also wondering if & how Production plans on airing the "racism" & "bigotry" & "homophobia" issues of this season during the finale. Will it be discussed? Will Aaryn & GM find out on air that they've BOTH been unemployed for over a month because of things they uttered on a 'scripted' reality game show? How will they find out?
And finally.............last but definitely NOT least......thanks again, Jamie, for the awesome blog, one of the only fair & impartial blogs out there that isn't overrun by the Brenchel Army & angry Elissa fanatics!! You kept us up to the minute on HOH's & POV's this season to those of us without the live feeds!! Please come back next season, we will be waiting! :)))))
If McCrae didn't win POV then he's out basically.
Spencer doesn't deserve to win anything, and GM has said too many awful things to warrant any prize money either, so I guess I'm rooting for Andy now. Oh well...
Elissa wasn't bullying Amanduh. Elissa was telling the truth. Amanduh looked like a dirty stripper in that outfit. #teamelissa
Brenchel Army has been stuffing the polls for Elizzard, I would be really surprised if anyone else won the AFP money. Maybe the other players can present a united expression of disgust.
That would be radical @CM!!!! However, Narcissa, er......Elissa wouldn't even notice as she is entirely self-centered. Her winning the $25K will be the only moment of the finale that will make me want to barf up my dinner. She almost ruined the entire season by outing herself as MVP.
BB, please, please no more nepotism to spoil the game for us diehard fans!!! She is/was personality-less, uptight, narcissistic & had nothing inside except love for herself. SHE was the bad casting mistake; nobody else.
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