Good evening, ladies & gents!
Phewww what an episode, and not in a good way. lol I hear y'all and I feel the same..this is one boring cast we have left for sure. But, there's still just under 2 weeks left and we have a few more things to look forward to: the Exterminators turning on themselves eventually, a surprise eviction coming up on either Sunday or Monday (which will air on Weds), and the Final 3 HOH Endurance Comp.
8:50pm BBT, the
live feeds switched to trivia, which means the 2nd HOH comp of the night has begun! Whenever the feeds come back, I'll post the spoiler below.
The New HOH is:
*Didn't really matter who won; if McCrae doesn't win veto, he'll be gone this week. OKay, I'll see y'all in the morning with the overnighter!
Stay tuned...
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Wait, surprise eviction? I must have missed something...
If I'm playing in this HOH I probably don't want to win it since it's such a high % McCrae is going home anyway no matter who wins. Then you'd be stuck not being able to play for HOH in F4 when Exterminators have to turn on each other and your game could solely depend on POV.
BBAD starts in a few min...are they gonna show part of the comp??
Is there a reason why it seems like im the only one rooting for j u double d?
No it'll either be over or an empty house if not. My money is on over hopefully. Haha
It was probably smart for McRae to evict Elissa cuz she was a threat to his game.
It's also weird that so many feel this season is over with her being evicted. Elissa was just as much of a dud house guest as any. Her gone doesn't change anything from an entertainment point of view.
Wth is going on?
Where is everyone?!?!
I guess Andy wisely threw this HOH comp
Perhaps spoke too soon about Andy sounds like there might've been an issue with the comp or something.
McCrae is a dumbass for putting up Elissa, the only one that would have worked with him. I still want him to win over ratfink, pedo, mumbles, and gutter mouth
Like I predicted Spencer is HOH. Now lets see if he's smart and keeps McCrae off the block and makes him feel safe and puts up Judd and GM.
I was disappointed to see that Amanda didn't receive the same post-eviction treatment that Aaryn got.
They both spent the whole summer spewing venom, and where Aaryn seemed at least somewhat embarrassed, Amanda stayed defiant and mean until the end.
Andy is even going so far as "apologizing" to GM for his fake vote for Amanda in front of McCrae to sell that it was him that voted to keep Amanda when it was really Elissa that voted to save her. That little shit is an unusually good liar.
Spencer may have just ended his game.
Why isn't howard on the poll as a possible choice for the america's favorite? It doesnt have to be someone from jury does it?
@ Brian
Just finished my comment on the last post about your accuracy and then bam opened this post to find Spencer did win. Now just stop that!
That's probably why Spencer won. He hasn't won anything all season.
McRae isn't that bright all alone now.
Is it me or does anyone else think Judd looks like the Turtle Man? (my kids love that show-don't know Y)
How many of u face-planted when E told Chenbot she thinks McCrae voted out Amanda. Ugh!
Sucks....even with these people gone they're still trashing them...
Thanks Jamie for all the hand-holding and support this season; we certainly needed it. BB producers: please learn from your mistakes this season.
Thanks also to all the like-minded Big Brother addicts.
Ugh! There is really no one good left in this game. McCrae is the only one I'd be at all happy to see win. This double eviction went as badly as possible. :(
at this point i dont care who wins. blah the whole game went to the gutter
Elissa had some kind of blinders on about Andy--she knew she shouldn't trust, couldn't trust him, and yet she thought McCrea voted Amanda out over Andy? That's just dumb. That made my head Hirt.
Poor girl all shiny and shit for her America appearance.
I agree with the comment about Julie giving Amanda the soft treatment compared to Aaryn. Racist=bad, but so is uncalled for very personal attacks from Amanda. It's no more acceptable to attack an individual than it is to attack a group. Maybe the ChenBot was afraid of her. She was one scary woman.
I despise Andy's gameplay. Like he thinks he has this great game strategy and then he totally outs himself to Amanda. Jury may or may not have found that out, but there is no way that should help him. Looked like all ego and stupid. You don't need to sing Ding Dong the Witch is dead to the corpse you egomaniac. Howdy Doody.
Yawn. This blog is now going to be way more entertaining than the show.
Lol....Andy Is a little shit..... And watch he's going to win this whole thing..... Then I will have to poke my eyes out with a sharp stick So that I can never watch another big brother again
It seemed to me that Julie started to go down that road, but when Amanda at least partially owned her bad behavior, Julie backed off. I did like her snarky reply to Amanda's statement that she (Amanda) was "not a Jordan" - "You can say that again."
No one but Helen would give Elissa the $500,000. McCrae is going home this week if he doesn't win veto so it would have been better for his game to take out Andy and work with Elissa. It would have been 2 against 3 and McCrae would have had another person fighting for HOH.
@John Gray
Amanda wasn't any help to McCrae in this regard. She believed Andy 100% and would shut it down immediately whenever McCrae or Elissa began to question Andy to her. If Amanda could've given McCrae advice before she Andy's goodbye message she'd have most likely told him to do what he did with his noms.
I thought Amanda did great...she was called on her bullying and torture of Elissa and said she regretted it and should've been nicer to people. She wasn't surprised that people saw het that way because she already knew they did. Aaryn acted like she was an angel who did nothing wrong until quoted her own words. Amanda seemed to accept what they were saying about her actions in the house and that was one time(I was not a fan of her period) I thought she handled it gracefully. What else was she to do? Aaryn was quoted her own words , how is that treating her poorly? She just didn't have the witty attitude that is part of the Amanda BB"character"
I think Andy had a lot of time to plan his theatrics whereas the other two were not even able to think clearly after that....I'm sure Andy had a great speech to convince her that that's what happened so she wouldn't by chance go near McCrae. E and Mc should have had a plan and should see Andy for who he is by now and I have no idea why they didn't think ahead to this possibility, and what actions to take. Neither E or Mc are very perceptive and don't expect someone who SEEMS so nice to throw all respectability out the window. It would be different if he had anything else to make you like him and it purely was game but I think for him he is full of hate. Mc is going to regret this day mire than any when he (likely) gets to jury next week....
I really think you're awesome. You seem to play out scenarios with no bias which is appreciated...I think zingbot might've ruined this game...Andy is a sociopath imo...I don't think he has a real human emotion about him
I dunno.....maybe you are. He has turned out to be just as vile as the rest of them.
Are you forgetting her extremely graphic, violent speech about throwing jesse against a door, knocking all her teeth out, using the blood as "lube" while they (hgs in convo) rape her anally? "because she would b unconscious and couldnt scream"? Are you KIDDING ME? That was by far one if the nastiest things said alk season, by Amanda, ni less, and was FAR worse than ANYthing Aaryn said. But because Jesse isnt a minority, I guess people.dont care. If that had been said about Candice, it would have been a HUGE deal.
Amanda said the most vile thing about throwing jesse against the wall, knocking all her teeth out, then using the blood from her mouth as lube to do anal on her, becuse she would be unconscious and unable to scream. THAT was WAY worse than ANYthing Aaryn said, EVER. Haf it been said about Candice, it would have been a HUGE deal. So I STRONGLY disagree with you!!! Amanda got away with it all, and I find that disgusting.
I agree, when comments are about a minority people seem to bandwagon onto the person who said them because it empowers them. Really sad that aaryn was treated so bad by chenbot.
Glad Elissa is gone, she was a boring houseguest and has nothin upstairs other than A.I.
I LOVE Judd! I want him to win it.
I never heard anything about 3 kids and can't always watch the feeds....I can't imagine how on earth BB wouldn't do SOMETHING about something that awful??!! Why did noone in the house do anything about it? I agree and cbs probably didn't want to look bad so they just ignore it...that's disgusting...
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