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Friday, September 27, 2013

Final Blog Post of BB15

And now it's time to say goodbye to BB15. No more updates, no more pictures, no more videos. *le sigh* It's over and we must move on.

"But first..." 

One more picture! ;) lol This was the last look at the BB15 house before they started to dismantle it and get it ready for BB16 construction. Kinda eery looking.

If you guys & gals are 1) looking for a new blog to be addicted to and (2) you kinda dig my writing, then come on over to!! It's a blog about everything, always something new and exciting for me to ramble on about. ;)

See ya there!!

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Friday, September 20, 2013

Aaryn's Reaction + Backyard Interviews + BB15 Saga

Happy TGI-Friday, addicts!!! :D I have some new goodies for y'all today.

First up, we have the video of the reaction from when Aaryn was 1st told that she lost her job:

Next up, we have the final BB15: The Saga video from Wil Heuser and as always, it's hilarious! lol

And last, but not least, you can watch all of the Backyard Interviews with Jeff on! (click that link, scroll down to 'Backyard Interviews'.)

And that's it for today! :D Enjoy your Friday, guys & gals!!

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Thursday, September 19, 2013

BB15 Finale Aftermath (UPDATED!!!!!!)

**Scroll down for the UPDATE!

Happy post-finale day!! :D I figured I'd make a new post for those of you who are still checking the blog in hopes of a new post. Well, here it is! ;)

Okay, so last night after the BB15 finale aired, Jeff was doing backyard interviews with all the BB houseguests. I watched them all (until 2am my time, around 3am EST'ish.) If you missed any of the HG backyard interviews, they will be up on sometime today.

Backyard Interview w/ Jeff Highlights:

*McCrae is going back to delivering pizza's but will move to Florida in the Winter with Amanda.

*Kaitlin/Jeremy are kinda, sorta long distance dating. No pressure, taking things slow.

*Aaryn's answers were obviously fed/taught from her 2 PR reps that were there with her.

*Both Amanda & McCrae would do BB again in a heartbeat.

*Nick said he plans on asking GM out on a date to a Monster Truck Rally (he already bought the tickets) on Oct. 4th.

There were also interviews with the Final 3 on Sirius radio today:
*GM said she/Nick walked into a post-finale party "holding hands". He met her parents, she met his mom.

*Andy said he's been "brought up to speed" with all BB15 controversies.

*Andy said he didn't condone all the hate remarks in the house (though he was a part of it, so..yea.)

*GM & Amanda are "cool with each other" now.

*GM said her parents were a little upset with her comments while in the house.

*GM commented that Nick will be "definitely going to be a really good friend". It's interesting to note that in her interview with, she said "he'll always be a very good friend. But you never know what's going to happen. There might be a little wedding in the future!"

*Spencer said he doesn't have hate in his heart, hopes people forgive him for comments he made.

*Spencer knows that that his railroad employer is trying to 'keep their distance' from him.

In other news..

Andy apologized on Twitter today about his Elissa-bashing comments:

Last but not least...
There are also some interviews up on for those of you who would like to read those. (They were past of the backyard interview press last night). Here are some highlights:

*Andy said he wasn't fired (*just like I said), and that he was on leave. He's hired on a semester-by-semester basis.

*Judd gave GM a "sympathy vote" because he knew Andy was gonna win.

*Elissa never wants to talk to Aaryn or Amanda ever again.

*Aaryn said she wasn't actively working for her modeling agency (that she got fired from) and that there are 6 new agencies wanting to interview her.

GM's answers to a couple of questions asked by the interviewer:
There's a lot more questions & answers, so if you'd like to read them, head on over to

That's it for now!! :D I might make a post here & there about more post-BB15 stuff, so check back once in awhile. ;) See y'all later!


1) The backyard interviews will be up sometime later today. Jeff said he will tweet the link when they're up, so make sure to follow Jeff on Twitter to get notified when they're up.

2) Spencer's job has an investigation underway to see if he will be fired or not from his job for his actions on BB. I'll keep y'all posted.

3) The last BB15: The Saga episode by Wil Heuser will be uploaded tonight! Make sure you follow Wil on Twitter so you'll know when the video is ready for your viewing pleasure!

Stay tuned...
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Wednesday, September 18, 2013

Thank You!!! :)

And so, it all comes to an end. This Big Brother 15 season is now officially ovahh! has been one heck of a season. Lots of ups & downs (though mostly downs lol), but we all got through it together!

This was my 7th season blogging Big Brother and I will be back next summer for my 8th! I am very much looking forward to season 16 of BB and I hope y'all come back & join me!

I want to say a huge THANK YOU!!! to all of you who have signed up for the live feeds through the blog and those of you who have ~*donated*~. If you did both, then you are just frickin' amazing!!! It is with your support, and only with your support, that allows me to be here all summer long every single summer to blog for y'all. So from my (& Bella's!!) humbled and grateful hearts, we say..

THANK YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!
(*This was taken a few weeks ago when I laid down on the floor next to her and caught her smiling when I took this pic. :) )

If you want to watch the backyard interviews with Jeff, then click here to watch it live!! I might make a surprise post here & there, so check back periodically for any new posts. 

Until we meet again for Big Brother 16, have a fantastic night & a wonderful 9 months until BB16 begins! Love you guys & gals!!! :D

Jamie & Miss Bella

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BB15 Finale: Who will win BB15?

Good evening, ladies & gentlemen! :D I hope your Wednesday has gone well & that y'all will join me for the Big Brother 15 Finale tonight @ 9:30pm EST! Before the BB15 finale begins, the premiere of Survivor will air, starting at 8pm EST. The chat room is open, so come on in if you'd like to talk about Survivor and/or BB!

(*Former BB winner, Hayden Moss, will be on this season of Survivor!)

On the finale tonight, we will see who won Part 1 (*GM won, as we already know) and Part 2 (*where Andy won). Part 3 will air live tonight, it will be Andy VS GM in a "A or B" answers on questions that have to deal with the houseguests. Whichever HG wins Part 3, will then decide who to take with them to the Final 2.

Also on the finale, we will see Dr. Will "drill the jury" with questions. What will he ask? Nobody knows, but I'm anxious to find out! I'm also anxious to see if Julie will call out GM on her racist remarks, as she did with Aaryn, should GM be the one going to jury tonight. We shall see.

If you need to watch the finale online tonight, then here's the link to watch it! (*I'm not sure if Survivor will be aired on there, I don't think it will be.)

Enjoy Survivor & then I'll be back here to start live blogging the BB15 Finale!! :D

**If you'd like to watch the BB15 Backyard Interviews with Jeff, then just click here to go to to watch after the finale!

9:30pm EST:
Show begins...

9:40pm EST:
*They just showed GM winning Part 1 Final HOH Comp.
*After commercial, they're gonna show Andy winning Part 2 of the Final HOH Comp.
*Later on, Dr. Will "grills the jury".
9:59pm EST:
Dr. Will talked with the jury members. He didn't "drill" them. It was lame, if I'm being honest. :(

10:02pm EST:
Time for the Part 3 Final HOH Comp: Andy VS GinaMarie!

Winner of the Part 3 Final HOH Comp is:

10:13pm EST:

Andy votes to Evict:



Up next, the jury will ask GM/Andy questions live.

10:28pm EST:
Jurors asking GM/Andy questions on why they think they deserve to win the game..
*Andy's answers were great!
*GM's answers were horrible. She kept referring back to Nick as answers to questions and didn't make sense.

Next up, the Final 2 will make their "Why I should win" speeches.

10:37pm EST:
The jurors are now casting their votes.

10:47pm EST:
Nick/Kaitlin/David/Jeremy/Howard talked about this season.

Howard commented about the racists remarks and how he hopes those who have made the remarks, learn & grow from it.

10:52pm EST:
Time to crown the Winner!

The Votes to Win:
*Spencer voted for Andy
*McCrae voted for Andy
*Judd voted voted for GM
*Elissa voted for Andy
*Amanda voted for Andy
*Aaryn voted for GM
*Helen voted for Andy
*Jessie voted for Andy
*Candice voted for Andy

Winner of BB15 is:

*Notice GM hugging Nick on the right...

Elissa won America's Favorite

11:00pm EST:
End of Show

**Stick around for a new post shortly!

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Pre-Finale Post: Live Feeds Ended for the Season

Happy Wednesday & Happy Live BB15 Finale Day to y'all!! :D Tonight, it all comes to end. While Big Brother 15 is ending tonight, I will be very much looking forward to BB16 starting next summer, as I'm sure you guys & gals are too.

At 10am BBT this morning, the live feeds officially ended.
Usually whenever I see this message, I get bummed out that the season is over. In the 7 seasons that I've been blogging BB, this is the first time that I breathed a sigh of relief when I saw this message! lol :P It's been a doozy of a season, to say the least.

Okay, so the BB15 finale begins tonight at 9:30pm EST. I will have the links to watch online in a new post tonight for those of you not near a TV but still wanna watch. I will have the chat room open here on the blog starting at 8pm EST for the Survivor premiere, so feel free to pop in & chat! :D

There will be 2 more posts here on the blog today: the Finale post & then a special post afterwards, so make sure you stick around for that! ;)

If you've been watching Wil Heuser's epic BB15: The Saga episodes all season long, then you're in for a treat! He just posted a BB15 Saga: Bloopers video on YouTube. At the end of the video, there's a message saying that the final BB15 Saga video will be posted tomorrow (Sept 19th), I can't wait to see that!! :D

If you enjoyed the blog, the facebook group & twitter updates all season long & would love to show your support, you can do so by making a donation via The Tip Jar here on the blog:

I couldn't/wouldn't be able to here without y'alls support!!!!! You guys & gals are the only reason that I'm able to be here to blog all season long & what allows me to come back season after season. Y'all are, by far, the BEST BIG BROTHER FANS on the internet!!! Bar none!!! I am extremely grateful & humbled that you have been with me all season. I love y'all & I will miss everyone until next year!! :D

Okie dokie, that's it for this post! I will be back with a new post in a few hours (before the Survivor premiere at 8pm EST) with a top post, so look out for that! See ya guys & gals then! :D

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Tuesday, September 17, 2013

Tuesday Check-In Post

Happy Tuesday, y'all!! :D We are only 1 day away from the BB15 Finale tomorrow. then we can say goodbye to this crapfest of a season. lol :P

If you're looking for something to hold you over until tomorrow, I have some goodies for y'all:

1) You can watch Jeff interview Mike Boogie on It's a pretty interesting video. In it, they talk about everything from would Dr. Will do a BB All Stars season, to Boogie commenting on the Nick/GM situation, in which he said "There's not enough booze in Burbank" to make that happen.

2) Speaking of GM, it seems that Rachel Reilly will be hosting a Finale Party but from what I've heard, the list of BB15 houseguests invited is pretty short. I can only assume that GM is one of those HG's not on the list, as Brendon/Rachel are pretty ticked off with her calling their nephew (Elissa's son) names on the feeds a few weeks ago.(If you recall, Brendon was pretty vocal about his dislike of GM and even welcomed people to 'tape the confrontation' if there is one post-finale.)

3) Evel Dick tweeted a free "Dick @ Nite" episode the other day. It's about 1 1/2 hrs long but definitely a good watch.  They talk about this seasons HG's, all the hate/negativity from them & also from BB "fans". Dick also talked about how he doesn't see how BB could do an All Stars next year, considering that he's been on twice already, Jordan/Jeff have been back twice, Janelle has been on 3 times, Boogie 3 times, and Dr Will twice. With that being said, who would they bring back that would be considered an "All Star". Good point.

In other news...

Last night, the feeds were boring once again. If you want a brief summary, here ya go:
They talked about past HG's as usual, GM threw up again after eating a salad (7:44pm BBT), they all played some cards, and then went to bed. And that's it! lol

If you're wondering what the Final 3 are currently doing on the feeds, then wonder no more....

3:35pm BBT:

**I included the date/timestamp so y'all didn't think I just used the same sleeping HG's pic from yesterday. ;)

Okay, so let's get to tomorrow's happenings!

We have 2 things happening tomorrow:
Firstly, we will have the premiere of Survivor with former BB Winner Hayden. That starts at 8pm EST. Then at 9:30pm EST, we will have the BB15 Finale. I will have the chat room open for both shows, so pop on in & say hi!

I will be back tomorrow with a Finale post at some point in the afternoon, so check back for that.

I hope everyone enjoys their Tuesday & I'll see you guys and gals tomorrow!! :D

Stay tuned...
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Monday, September 16, 2013

Monday Check-In Post :)

Happy Monday, y'all!! :D I know some of you are checking the blog to see what's going in BB land but as predicated, Unless Elissa-bashing is your favorite topic, then the feeds have been as exciting as watching paint dry. The HG's are still doing their share of Elissa-bashing (and other HG's as well, of course) and taking an obscene amount of naps. lol Nothing to really report.

We are 2 days away from the close, yet so far.

So what now? Well, now we wait. We wait until this season comes to an anti-climatic ending on Wednesday night.

Either GM or Andy will win BB15 (unless something crazy happens with jury votes) with Spencer taking a 2nd place seat no matter what. And Elissa will most likely win America's Fav. Ho-hum. I am, however, looking forward to seeing Dr Will "drill the jury" on finale night, though I'm not sure how much "drilling" he will do. lol But hopefully he does lay into them a bit. That'd be exciting to watch them squirm!

Just to give y'all a glimpse of the BB15 Final 3 today as of 12:43pm BBT..

..they're all still sleeping.

I'll make a post tomorrow just to so y'all know that I'm still here & with y'all, waiting patiently for Finale Night. ;) In the meantime, start your own BB detox program..dust off your phone and start calling your friends & family, as I'm sure they've missed ya. Go out into the sunlight, get some fresh air. We have 9 months until our BB addiction comes back to consume our lives, so enjoy the off-season! lol

Psssst....I just noticed that has gift certs for $6 bucks!! Yayy!! Use discount code "YUM" at checkout. I'm gonna snag up a few for my vacation next month in Vegas so I can eat cheap. (I'm a proud budget queen!)

See y'all tomorrow!! :D

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