This seasons signups are *vital* to having me blog this season and to have me come back next season, so please show your support and signup through the links here on the blog!!
Live Feeds includes:
*24/7 exclusive live video
*4 cams & quad cam
*members get exclusive highlights
*BB exclusive content starts on the feeds on June 11th
*Live Feeds will go live on Premiere Night June 26th
*members get exclusive highlights
*BB exclusive content starts on the feeds on June 11th
*Live Feeds will go live on Premiere Night June 26th
*members can watch live feeds on all smart phones, tablets, and computers
*there will be live feed archive (like Flashback) where you can watch "any moment from this seasons live feeds"
***If you're getting an error when signing up, keep trying! You will get through! Also, make sure your address & etc match your credit card info. If you're in a re-direct loop on the signup, the way to bypass that is to scroll down to "Learn More" then "Get Started". That seems to work.
Canadians: Unfortunately, it looks like y'all are gonna be left out in the cold this season with the feeds. :( However, I will be here live-blogging daily as usual so you can still stay up-to-speed on everything!
*there will be live feed archive (like Flashback) where you can watch "any moment from this seasons live feeds"
***If you're getting an error when signing up, keep trying! You will get through! Also, make sure your address & etc match your credit card info. If you're in a re-direct loop on the signup, the way to bypass that is to scroll down to "Learn More" then "Get Started". That seems to work.
Canadians: Unfortunately, it looks like y'all are gonna be left out in the cold this season with the feeds. :( However, I will be here live-blogging daily as usual so you can still stay up-to-speed on everything!
Remember, your signups through the blog supports me blogging this summer & keeps me coming back!!
Thank you for the support, addicts!! :D
Stay tuned...

Anybody know how much it costs this year?
Seems like it doesn't say on the site, and have to go thru 20 steps before they tell you.
Yep, its only $23.99 this year!! (cheaper than the $30 last season for the early bird!)
So happy its finally in HD. Kinda sad that SHO2 doesnt have BBAD anymore. Oh well, I guess I'll live...
New Tripoli, PA
my uncle is bummed about SHO2: After Dark not being on, too. :( I always just watch the feeds, so i wont miss'em but can understand why others will.
Hey Jamie , I am having an issue I hope U can help me with .. I got the email notice from CBS for early bird special But when I went to sign up for it after I put ALL info in (checked it twice LOL) It kept saying an error occurred ! Do U know is something mayb I am doing wrong But I checked the spelling and made sure everything is correct. Do U think it may be its to early to order it ? I can not even get past my personal info it stops me ... Thank U for any and all help .. YAY BB15 thank u Jamie
a lot of people are getting errors but keep trying because those people DID eventually get to sign up after a few tries! I think their system might be overloaded right now.
also, it looks like Canadians are out this season :( which is a huge bummer!!
OMG I am such an a** LOL,OK for the people getting errors ... I figured it out ,I have an account already with CBS but had only my email address You have to go into and go into your account and make sure ALL your address and phone info matches credit card info ... I feel like a ding dong LOL ... BB15 Already driving me crazy ~in a good way .. Thanks Jamie
I was going to get the live feeds, but I can't - it's not available in Canada this year. :(
Hey Jamie do u know if android phones will be able to get the feeds?
This is the first time to subscribe to the live feeds... I think I did everything right but I guess I won't be able to get into the site until 6/11, is that correct? Or maybe I did something wrong...can you help??
Hello Jaime:
Bought the feeds through your blog. It's a really good deal this year. Last year I paid over $45 because I missed out on the early bird special. This year I jumped at the great price. Hope your summer goes well. Take care.
thank you guys for supporting the blog!!! i couldn't be here blogging without yall!
and YES, android will be able to stream the feeds!
Hummingbird: please use any link on the blog to signup for the feeds so that i get the credit! :)
So they will not be showing after dark on Showtime? Is there a reason why they won't be? It was my favorite!! =/
No idea why. They decided to show After Dark on TVGN (TV Guide Network) instead, which CBS owns 50% of that I believe, maybe they're trying to get ratings on that channel?? I don't know. :/
Is there a reason why they aren't doing SHO2 after dark? I loved listening to it while I did things sound the house! Also, is this price for the whole season or just every month?
So they will not be showing after dark on Showtime? Is there a reason why they won't be? It was my favorite!! =/
that price is for the WHOLE SEASON!
$23.99 WHOLE SEASON (Early Bird)
or $10/month (after Early Bird)
or $27.99 whole season (after Early Bird)
Thank you! (sorry that posted twice)
lol no worries!! :)
Hi Jamie! Just wanted to say thanks for covering this season again, one of my favorite parts of BB is following your blog throughout the summer! I purchased the season pass through your link last year and will again this year! Can't believe its $23.99 for the WHOLE season!!
hi Alyde! Thank you so much for supporting the blog by signing up via the links on it!! I really appreciate it!!
re: cheap neither! it was a pleasant surprise when I found out!
Today is the start of my obsession with your site. Big brother wouldn't be the same without you. If people havnt signed up yet threw the links for early bird do so now! Quick question tho. Will there ever be an app for this blog in the future? On my last phone I could make your page into a little app on my home screen. My new phone I have to get into the Web browser everything (so hard I know lol) idk what it takes to make an app but have you ever thought about it?
Thanks bunches
Ive thought about it a couple seasons ago and i looked into it but couldn't figure out how to do it lol
You can go to this url and it'll show up as the mobile site:
thanks for joining me for another season!! :D
Hey Jamie ,I am almost positive I clicked the link on your Blog to get the feeds I know I was having error issues in the beginning ~ I do believe I got there from your page. I am sorry if I messed it up the errors were stressing me out. Please know that I got to the earlybird page from your blog but after errors I may have refreshed. If I messed it up I will totally make it up to u ... I WILL DONATE TO THE CAUSE THROUGHOUT THE SEASON :) U ROCK & I know I will say this a bunch ~ Thank u for all u will do for us BB15 Addicts
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