So when will the cast pics be revealed? Nobody is really sure. Julie Chen said 9am BBT in a video interview she did with a local news station, but others speculate it'll be later than that. Personally, I think it'll be at 9am because voting for the 1st MVP of the season is slated to start this morning. So we'll just have to hang tight & wait.
Whenever they do get released, I will post them right here! (They'll be released on initially.)
New MVP Info:
According to this interview Julie Chen did with Channel 3 in Connecticut, "you're gonna have to do some dirty work as MVP". The houseguest that America picked as MVP will be pulled into the Diary Room and told they are MVP and what their "special powers" are. (Those special powers will be revealed to us on premiere night.) Also, the MVP does not have let the other houseguests know that they are the MVP.
Can't wait to see what the MVP is all about!! :D
As a reminder, time is ticking away to get the Live Feeds Early Bird Special, so if you haven't yet snagged up the deal, you might wanna do that soon! To those of you who bought (or planning on getting) the live feeds through the blog, THANK YOU!! You are supporting the site and I literally couldn't be here without y'alls support!! :D
Okay bb addicts, hang tight for the release of the BB15 cast!!
Stay tuned...

Although Julie had said 9am BBT, it now seems to be 12pm BBT/3pm EDT. At least that is the word on the streets.
I've been on random big brother sites since 8am ct waiting for the cast reveal. This feels like watching the fish screens, waiting for the live show to start. Julie Chen misted us when she said 9am. Should've remembered to "Expect the Unexpected"......
Oooo and also I was reading some past posts on your blogs and I seen that you're from Milwaukee. Me too. Thnx for the blog. 414
Watching Elissa Slater (Rachel's Sister) video now!
there's live cast interviews on youtube. here's the link first interview is rachel's sister.
I looked through the new cast and I don't see any familiar faces?!?! Who is it?
cast interviews posted with Big Jeff doing the interviews on CBS's website!
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