I will be live blogging tonight for those of you who want spoilers, including what the weekly MVP 'magical powers' are. We'll get caught up to speed on everything that HG's have been up to since they entered the house, including what alliances have been formed, any tension building, who's the 1st HOH, etc etc. It's gonna be one heck of a show!!
The live feeds will go live after the West Coast airing of BB tonight. Don't have the feeds yet? You still have time to get'em!
The chat room here on the blog is now open, so pop on in & say hello or leave a comment in the comment section below. I am soooooo excited!!! Okay, gotta go make my popcorn and get things ready! :D
8pm EST:
Show begins....
HG's segments on them getting their keys.
HG's enter the house.(Julie said the season will be 90 days).
HG's intro themselves in the living room over champagne.
*Jeremy is diggin' on Kaitlin
*nobody believes McCrae is a pizza delivery boy
*Judd thinks that Elissa "looks familiar" & is gonna "get to the bottom of it".
*lots of potential HG hookups!
*GinaMarie seems to be getting on peoples nerves already (**totally called that lol)
*Jessie digs on Jeremy (even though he digs on Kaitlin lol)
*Jessie thinks she's the hottest one in the house. (**eyes roll)
My head is already spinning!! ;)
Jeremy/Spencer/Howard form an alliance.
Jeremy/Jessie/David are in an alliance. (*Jessie asked Jeremy)
Julie is telling the HG's about the MVP. (3 noms this season, instead of 2.)
**THE HOH WILL NOMINATE 2 PEOPLE AS USUAL FOR EVICTION**, but Julie said she'll tell them how the 3rd HG is nominated later.
1st HOH Comp of the BB15 season!
*Judd fell first (didn't want the 1st HOH)
*Howard 2nd (didn't wanna seem like a threat, he threw it)
*Candice is out 3rd
*Candice told Judd that Elissa "looks like Rachel's sister". Judd knows its her sister now but isn't telling anyone yet.
*2 hrs into the comp, 5 HG's are left. Aaryn is the last girl left hanging with the guys.
(..then commercial)
8:41pm BBT:
*Aaryn falls off
*3 hrs 15 mins into the HOH comp (**told y'all this years endurance comps are gonna be fierce!)
*Julie offers the 1st TWO hg's that drop to get their pick of a lunch box on a table, one of them has a "Have Not" pass for the whole season. (**guess Have Not's is back this summer!)
*David drops. Picks a lunch box. Doesn't have a pass in it!
*So Jeremy drops, picks the other lunch box, and grabs the "Have Not Pass" for the whole summer.
*McCrae gets Nick to drop by promising him safety and swears "on his life".
*Nick drops.
Julie explains the MVP...
America will vote for who's playing the best game that week (MVP), and that person (MVP) will secretly make the 3rd Nomination (in the Diary Room). The MVP's nomination will be revealed right before the Veto Comp each week.
Next episode is this Sunday.
Tuesdays show is when the MVP will be revealed to us.
**End of Show**
Okay guys & gals, that's it!!
The live feeds will go live after the West Coast airing, so if you still need to get'em, now is the time!!!:D
I'll start a new post once the feeds turn on!
Stay tuned...

Looking forward to adding my comments like ive done for years :) your blog is the best. HANDS DOWN!!!
hey Trevor!! Yayyy for joining me for another season!! And thank you SO MUCH for the kind words. So sweet!!
Got your snacks ready for the show?
You usually have a link as to where we can watch the show online. Do you have one for this season?!
I thought it was going to be in HD this year?
I thought it was going to be in HD this year?
what's up with the chat room? is it only open during the show?
I thought it was a great show! I'm glad to finally know what the MVP will get to do. I wonder if they'll add anymore power to that later on. Cant STAND GinaMarie so far. I actually liked Elissa and was surprised she didn't say that much. It was a great episode. I love McCrae and was glad when he won HOH but kinda sad too. I want him to go far!! Anyway - I can't wait for the live feeds to start. I stink at time zone math stuff so I'm thinking they'll be on around 11 CST?? Either way... I'll be up to see them!!
Jamie, you're awesome!
It's 9:36 central time and I cannot get the live feeds or chartrooms. Is anyone else having problems?
Ashley, im loving McCrae, too! Hope he sticks around :)
Yep, the feeds should turn on around 11pm Central time! w00t!! & thank you so much for the kind words! :D
Diamond: it was in HD, except for 1 segment I believe.
I have tried all day to get the feeds. My fb and twitter are linked. I can't get past the stage one. I'm so frustrated. Love your blog Jammie I've been a fan for years. Thanks for your hard work ...Farrah
I have tried all day to get the feeds. My fb and twitter are linked. I can't get past the stage one. I'm so frustrated. Love your blog Jammie I've been a fan for years. Thanks for your hard work ...Farrah
I have tried all day to get the feeds. My fb and twitter are linked. I can't get past the stage one. I'm so frustrated. Love your blog Jammie I've been a fan for years. Thanks for your hard work ...Farrah
....From my iPad sorry don't know why that posted twice
try signing up without using your facebook/twitter. Just sign up for a new account (i had to do that too) Let me know if that doesnt work hun :)
I tried no luck. I've tried every way I can think of. I asked them for help they emailed me a link for a new password. I had already done that. And said so in my request. I wrote them back asking for more help. Still waiting to hear back from this afternoon. I don't know what else to try. When I click on the twitter and fb they both go to my pages but they aren't connecting to the live feed buying page. If that makes sense, I've tried a new account and the screen just clears after I press enter.
Farrah, are you in Canada?
I really like the changes. What happens if the HOH is the MVP?
Trying to post. Have no clue what URLs are. I'm wondering if HOH and MVP can be the same person?
On our local station, the show wasn't in HD :(
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