We are just a short 27 days away until the Big Brother 15 premiere on June 26th, 2013! Who's ready for one long summer?! I hope you are because this season, we're looking at 100 days of Big Brother! WOWZA!!
Big Brother: After Dark on Showtime MOVES to TVGN:
The new info that I have for y'all is the following:
*BB15 will be "100 days" long (according to this commercial)
*Finale will most likely be last week in September
*BB Media Day is June 10th
*HG's move in on June 18th (rumored)
*cast to be revealed a week before BB15 premiers
This info is in addition to:
*Rumored (not confirmed) to be an ALL NEW CAST!!!
*BB will be in HD (Hi-Def) this season
*live feeds will be on CBS, not Superpass.
Still No Word on...
*Will Canadians be able to watch the feeds?
*How much will they cost?
*Will there be an Early Bird Special?
CBS has informed us that we will know by "early next week at the latest". So stay tuned for that info to come in.
That's all I have for you guys & gals for now, but since we have LESS than a month until BB15 starts on June 26, there's gonna be a ton of info rolling in soon!!
Stay tuned...

Looking forward to BB. If it is All Stars, it would seem that there would be a lot more rumors than there are. It seems that it would be easy to figure out since we know most of the likely houseguests. But, maybe they are good at keeping it top secret.
Thanks for the updates,
Will BBAD still be live and uncensored since it's no longer on a premium channel like Showtime and now on a regular cable channel? I can't see that being the case having cursing and potential nudity on TV Guide Network. So to me the show would have to be watered down by either being taped and edited or on a delay with constant cut aways or audio drops every time someone curses which could be quite a lot and make the show very frustrating and near unwatchable.
I have a question.
Will watching the Live feeds during 12AM and 2AM be showing the same thing as BB After Dark on the TV Guide Network?
Am I going to miss anything because I don't have the TV Guide Network?
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