Okay, let's just dive right on into it, shall we?
Last night, we saw McCrae win the 1st HOH comp of the season...
We found out from the live feeds that McCrae's nominations are....
Why is Candice nominated? Apparently, she's already had a couple of fights in the house (obviously pre-feeds turning on last night). It sounds like Candice/Aaryn got into a verbal fight with Elissa (**shocker! lol). This is from what I've gathered so far. I think Jessie is nom'ed for the simple fact that she's self-absorbed and that can definitely rub people the wrong way.
Moving on...
McCrae and Elissa are in a secret alliance.
(There was talks on the feeds last night that McCrae wants to backdoor Elissa, but I believe this was just a cover up. Or is their secret alliance fake? Hmm. Time will tell.) Candice & David don't believe that McCrae really wants to backdoor Elissa.They think he might have a secret alliance with her.
There's also an alliance called "The Moving Company", or "MC" for short.
This alliance includes McCrae, Spencer, Nick, Jeremy & Howard.
This is where it gets a little interesting...
"MC" are 5 strong, but want to make side-alliances to keep them safe. (**Brigade 2.0??)
*Nick paired up with GinaMarie
*Jeremy paired up with Kaitlin (Showmance)
*Spencer/Howard plan to get Amanda/David to go after each other (to protect the MC alliance). They plan to do this by getting close to HG's Helen, Andy, and Amanda to fuel the fire. Nick's idea is to have himself & Jeremy get closer to Aaryn, David, Kaitlin, and GinaMarie.
"Blonde-tourage" Alliance:
David, Aaryn, GinaMarie & (brunette) Kaitlin.
Also, David/Aaryn are supposedly in a showmance/alliance together.
Speaking of showmances, it seems that both Kaitlin & Jessie like Jeremy, though Jeremy/Kaitlin seem to be the showmance with Jessie as the jealous one. (**lots of potential drama there.)
Alliance wise, seems like Helen, Andy, Amanda, Judd, Candice and Elissa (minus her secret alliance with McCrae) are alliance-less at the moment.
The Have-Not's for the week are:
Elissa, Andy, Judd, Howard & Helen.
Other Notes:
*All the HG's know that Elissa is Rachel's sister.
*Jessie said that McCrae said if he wins the veto, he will take one of them (Candice or Jessie) off and put Elissa up. (**wonder if he'll throw the Veto Comp.)
*Appears that most HG's want Elissa out. Jeremy told David that the house is gonna vote Elissa out if she's nom'ed.
*The Have Not's "beds" are upright airplane chairs.
By 5am BBT (8am EST), all HG's were in bed. It was a pretty late night for them.
Okay, so that was night 1 in the BB house! Because it's still the 1st week of BB15, and we're just getting to know who's who and what alliances are real/fake, it's gonna be a little bit of a clusterf*** lol So just bear with me. :P
I'll start a new post when the HG's wake up for the day!
Stay tuned...

Why is McCrae not in alphabetical order in your header of the cast members' headshots? I'll be honest, it throws me off every time I look up there. :)
Excited to see endurance comps this season after the really long/competitive first HOH comp!
I am shocked she's so into David. I'm just not feeling him at all.
I think jeremy and kaitlin have the showmance happening.. Jessie is just jealouse.. All women seem to be catty, should make for interesting season!!
yep, you're right! just fixed. ughhh i hate the 1st week of BB lol sooo much going on. :P thanks!
Excited to be watching the life feeds again! Crazy that there is already a showmance going on!
Am I the only one who thinks everybody is related to a former BB winner??? Perhaps even other BB's from another country (bk there have been no African American winners here am I right?) Like Mc Crea looks like last yers winner and maybe Helen is related to June (season 4 winner) I have been racking my brains all nite trying to make matches. IJS just had to share =)
Am I the only one who thinks everybody is related to a former BB winner??? Perhaps even other BB's from another country (bk there have been no African American winners here am I right?) Like McCrea looks like last years winner and maybe Helen is related to June (season 4 winner) I have been racking my brains all nite trying to make matches. IJS just had to share
Am I the only person who thinks Amanda looks JUST like "girl you wish you hadn't started a conversation with at a party" (Cecily Strong I think?) from SNL?
Am I the only one who thinks that Amanda looks just like "girl you wish you hadn't started a conversation with at a party" (Cecily Strong I think?) from SNL?
That's funny @Skeeter because I think GinaMarie looks like Sheri O'Terry from SNL! Lol!
I really am already loving this cast. I hope they keep it up! (Personally I'm a Spencer fan because he's from my state, and we're usually pretty funny peeps! ex. Britt)
oh no!! I thought it started tonite, on Thursday - I'll have to see if I can watch it on the tv website
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