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Friday, June 28, 2013

Afternoon in the BB House

Most of the day has been pretty far. ;) But that seems to be changing the past few minutes with a little bit of game talking. Let's dive into the afternoon post!!

Currently on the live feeds...

2:20pm BBT:
Backyard Couch

Elissa said she thinks Aaryn is just being nice to her because she thinks she (Elissa) is going home. (In case ya missed it, they mended fences earlier today.)

2:25pm BBT:
Storage Room

David is telling Jeremy that he thinks Elissa won't go up on the block & that he thinks either Jessie or himself is gonna end up going home. Jeremy said that McCrae is for sure putting Elissa up because that's what he told him last night. David doesn't understand why McCrae would want to take Candice down but leave Jessie up on the block. Jeremy reassures David that he "doesn't have the votes to get evicted".

They both agree that Amanda/Candice will be their targets next week & then leave the storage room.

2:35pm BBT:
Backyard Couch

Elissa is telling Jessie that she's a "wife and mom" and "doesn't have girl drama at home". They talk about their families and what they might be thinking. Jessie said her family is probably worried that she's on the block.

Jessie: 'I just wanna be off the block."
Elissa: "Who do you think should go up in your place?
Jessie: "I don't care. I really don't care. I competed my heart out in every comp."

2:41pm BBT:
Meanwhile across the yard, half of the other HG's are in/around the pool. Light chatter all around.
Finally got some good shots of Jessie's super cute bikini!

 Love it.

2:50pm BBT:
Lounge Room

Jessie is scared that McCrae won't put up Elissa. (**don't worry, he will.)

3:02pm BBT:
Kaitlin and GinaMarie are talking while in the hammock. Kaitlin tells GinaMarie that McCrae told Elissa to her face that she's getting backdoored. (*not true. he told her he's putting her up on the block, though.) GM thinks that Jessie should be the one going home. She also wouldn't mind Howard leaving (she said "he's so quiet") or Candice.

Kaitlin tells GM that Jeremy said he'd put Amanda/Candice up together if he was HOH next week. GM then makes a crack at how short Jessie's arms are and called her "T-Rex", but does think that's she's pretty.

**Dinner time for this gal! Until then, enjoy the live feeds! ;)

Stay tuned...
CBS Interactive Inc.


Trevor said...

I am so sick of GinaMarie please get out of the house.

FeistyCat76 said...

Trevor...totally agree . I don't think the house would be sad to see her go. It'd be an easy week for McC .

Unknown said...

I love you for sharing. :)

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