Good morning & Happy Sunday, y'all!! :D I was gonna make a post before bedtime last night but as I looked to see what we've missed for the 4 hour time span that I was gone, I saw that nothing really happened, so I figured I'd just do the Overnighter in the morning...and now, here I am!
While I slurp down my iced coffee, I'm gonna go through the feeds and see what all we've missed and I'll start posting my findings.
It seems that Operation Save Elissa is still going strong, but now we have Nick/Spencer/Jeremy on board as well.
12:15am BBT:
HOH Room
Cam 1
The two of them are going over votes to get David evicted this week. Helen said they need to get Candice on their side. Talk switches gears to Amanda; McCrae is worried that she could be a risk. Helen tells him she's worried about the amount of time that Amanda is spending with the other alliance, but McCrae says it's the other alliance that's always "cornering" her. McCrae mentions (and has actually told Amanda last night) that she needs to stop being so abrasive with others. Helen tells McCrae that he needs to try to control Amanda a little more, McCrae agrees & said that Amanda is a control freak.
Helen thinks that Jessie will go nuts after the blindside eviction of David this week, and that's their chance to pull her over to their side.
12:26am BBT:
Cam 1
GinaMarie: "Come step into my office, it'll only take a minute..I just got a quick question...are you voting for Elissa (to stay)?"
Spencer: "Yea."
GinaMarie: "Oh you are? OK. That's all I wanted to know!"
Spencer laughs.
GinaMarie tells Spencer the votes they have to
vote out Elissa so far:
12:36am BBT:
Backyard Lounger
Jeremy and Kaitlin did some flirting, he tickled her, and then comes the a way that only Jeremy could deliver.
Kaitlin: "Awwkwardd...whatcha thinkin'?"
Jeremy: "That I wanna choke you out & kiss you, at the same time."
Me: O_o
Well, whatever floats their boat, I guess.
Meanwhile upstairs in the HOH room, McCrae is telling Amanda that she's his sanity in the house.
12:43am BBT:
Cam 3
Retro Bedroom
Candice comes in and tells David/Jessie that Aaryn went off on her about her hat being bent & asked Jessie is she's the one who told Aaryn that she (Candice) sat on her hat. Jessie said no and she didn't know about it until David just told her.
Candice said she had her hat for "like 5 minutes" and was gonna put back on the counter, when Aaryn saw her hat was bent and got mad.
1:10am BBT:
Cam 2
Helen told Candice that there's a reason why she (C) was taken off the block, and there's also a reason why David is still on the block.
Helen: "Aaryn is bummin' around like she owns this game, but trust me, she's gonna get a big f***king surprise at eviction, so don't even worry about it."
Candice: "Okay."
Helen: "You don't know anything.." (aka "don't tell anyone you know this")
Candice: "Promise."
*This is Helen trying to get Candice to "their side", per her convo with McCrae @ 12:15am BBT.
2:33am BBT:
Cam 3
Have Nots Room
Helen is telling Elissa that Aaryn is gonna be stunned when David gets evicted on Wednesday and that's gonna make her (Aaryn) fight hard to win HOH, but they (Elissa/Helen) can't let Aaryn win HOH because they're gonna be her #1 targets for eviction if she does.
Helen: "We have to win (HOH)."
Elissa: "Ok."
Helen: "You need to buck up, put your mind in the game, just ignore (Aaryn)..."
Elissa: "Yea."
2:34am BBT:
Cam 2
Lounge Room
Jeremy/Kaitlin are talking about how they know that David's probably going home this week, but Jeremy said it's out of their control but to not let that get to their heads or let it effect their fight to win HOH.
Kaitlin: "I though the whole house was up for (getting rid of Elissa).."
Jeremy: "I did, too. Until about 2 o'clock today."
Jeremy said they can't tell them (David/Aaryn) because they'll both freak out & that will really put a bigger target on them (K/J).
Talk turns to about Andy wanting to get Jeremy out, which is making Jeremy wanna go after Andy.
**And that's it for The Overnighter!! :D
So it seems that David is still a goner this week. I'm more interested in seeing Aaryn's reaction & who wins HOH on Wednesday.
Today is "Summer Sunday", which is my "off" day for the week from BB, where I go out & do something outside...away from the computer...far, far away from the computer. lol :P But I will be back tonight for the 8pm EST show tonight! I'll make a new post about an hour before the show begins. See ya then & if you're dying to know what's going on in the house, then have a look for yourself on the
live feeds!! Later, gators!
Stay tuned...