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Thursday, May 30, 2013

Big Brother Media Day + BB After Dark Moves to TVGN

Happy almost-June, BB addicts!!

We are just a short 27 days away until the Big Brother 15 premiere on June 26th, 2013! Who's ready for one long summer?! I hope you are because this season, we're looking at 100 days of Big Brother! WOWZA!!

Big Brother: After Dark on Showtime MOVES to TVGN: 

For those of you who loved BB After Dark on showtime, y'all are gonna hate this news. BB After Dark will no longer be on Showtime. It will be aired on a channel called TVGN (TV Guide Network) from 12am-2am EST. (Yep, only 2 hrs.) So if you were gonna subscribe to Showtime for After Dark this season, don't. (To see if you get TVGN, go to & click on "Channel Finder" at the top-right.)

The new info that I have for y'all is the following:

*BB15 will be "100 days" long (according to this commercial)
*Finale will most likely be last week in September
*BB Media Day is June 10th
*HG's move in on June 18th (rumored)
*cast to be revealed a week before BB15 premiers

This info is in addition to:

*Rumored (not confirmed) to be an ALL NEW CAST!!!
*BB will be in HD (Hi-Def) this season
*live feeds will be on CBS, not Superpass.

Still No Word on...
*Will Canadians be able to watch the feeds?
*How much will they cost?
*Will there be an Early Bird Special?

CBS has informed us that we will know by "early next week at the latest". So stay tuned for that info to come in.

That's all I have for you guys & gals for now, but since we have LESS than a month until BB15 starts on June 26, there's gonna be a ton of info rolling in soon!!

Stay tuned...
CBS Interactive Inc.

Wednesday, May 22, 2013

Got Headphones? BB Live Feeds MUST!!

Well BB addicts, we are just a short month away from BB15 starting on June 26th! With that being said, I figured I'd make a post about a must-have for the BB live feeds.

Now, those of us who get the feeds every year, or has had them at least once, can testify to this...YOU.NEED.HEADPHONES. Those whisper-convos can be very hard to hear and you might find yourself lowering your cheek down to your computer saying "What the f*&# did they just say?" Don't worry, we've all been there & done that. ;)

A couple of years ago, I invested in a good quality set of headphones (my cheapo headphones just weren't cutting it.) So I figured I'd show y'all what *I* personally use and LOVE!!!

These are my Bose headphones...
They are lightweight (yay for no more "sweaty ear" from heavy headphones! lol) and I can hear just about every whisper-convo to be had on the feeds!! ...except for the whispering pro herself, Dani Donato. I don't even think what she does can be called whispering, more like "tongue-clicking whispering". lol

So with BB starting back up in a month, now's the time you'll wanna go get yourself a pair of good headphones! You can get the Bose headphones I have by clicking here or by going out shopping. (The headphones I have are on sale right now for Memorial Day Weekend!) Either way, a good pair of headphones will make the difference between you going "What did they just say?" to "OMG, they just said.."!!

Stay tuned...
CBS Interactive Inc.

Saturday, May 11, 2013

Latest BB15 Info

Happy May, y'all!! Big Brother 15 starts *NEXT MONTH*!!! Can ya believe it?!! :D

Not too much info has come out (yet) on the BB15 season, but there's been a few things: 

*Rumored (not confirmed) to be an ALL NEW CAST!!!
*this season is gonna be "bigger than ever"
*casting is officially closed for this BB15 season as of May 11th
*this season is gonna be 2 weeks longer
*BB will be in HD (Hi-Def)..finally!

Julie Chen did state (on "The Talk") that they "need more houseguests than ever!" this season. Does that mean more houseguests than ever before? We shall see!

Still no word on things such as..

*Will Canadians be able to watch the feeds?
*How much will they cost?
*Will there be an Early Bird Special?

As soon as I know the answers to any/all of those questions, I'll be sure to let y'all know here on the blog, as well as on Facebook & Twitter !!

BB15 starts next month, so get ready guys & gals!! :D

Stay tuned...
CBS Interactive Inc.

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