*** June 26th, 2013 @ 9pm EST ***
June??! Whhhaaa?? Yep, you read that right!! This season will be an "expanded season"...aka LONGER SEASON..aka MORE BIG BROTHER!!! w00t w00t!! :D This will mean that their cookie-cutter formula of 10 weeks is now out the window & already the season will be far less predicatable than previous seasons.
Also, there is a *NEW* Big Brother airing schedule this summer:
*Sunday @ 8pm EST
*Tues @ 9pm EST
*Weds @ 9pm *LIVE SHOW* (will be moved to 8pm EST on July 17th)
So what does BB15 have up it's sleeves? That is yet to be seen! All we know is that their normally 10 week show has just been expended to a 12 week run this summer!
As a fan, I am SOOOOO EXCITED!!!!!
As a blogger, not so much! haha ;) I usually have 2-3 weeks of summer before becoming a shut-in for the season, but looks like that's a thing of a past, at least for this season.
But who cares, it's Big Brother!! Bring it onnnnn!! :D
Oh, and don't forget to join the *new* facebook group! (It's been permanantly moved to HERE!)
Stay tuned...
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